Election Coverage from MPR

A special program from America Abroad and CNN, features former Secretaries of State Madeleine Albright, James A. Baker, III, Warren Christopher, Henry Kissinger and Colin L. Powell in a discussion about the foreign policy challenges facing the next president of the United States. (Midday, 09/23/2008)
Conservative columnist and author David Frum says Republicans are missing the deep inequalities that exist in American society, and that could cost them the upcoming election. (Midmorning, 09/23/2008)
Supporters and opponents are gearing up for a battle this fall on a statewide campaign over a constitutional amendment. (09/22/2008)
The recount results confirm that Hennepin County District Court Judge Deborah Hedlund remains the second-place finisher in the Sept. 9 primary for Supreme Court. She will face incumbent Lorie Gildea in November. (09/19/2008)
John McCain focused a large part of his Minnesota speech on the economy and why Barack Obama is a bad fit for president. But there were some things he didn't say. (09/19/2008)
The National Organization for Women has endorsed the Democratic presidential ticket of Barack Obama and Joe Biden -- not the Republican ticket, which includes Sarah Palin. NOW's decision has sparked discussion of what it means to be a feminist. (Midmorning, 09/19/2008)


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