Election Coverage from MPR

A very uncertain economy throws a September surprise into the presidential campaign. Top economic advisors from both the McCain and Obama campaigns talk about how the startling events of the last week have influenced what the candidates are able to promise. (Midmorning, 09/24/2008)
Coleman and Franken
Sen. Norm Coleman is explaining comments he made over the weekend about the taxpayer money used to bail out failing financial institutions. (09/23/2008)
Republican Rep. Michele Bachman opposes the $700 billion bailout plan for the financial industry. She is trying to link the bailout with her other high-profile policy push for expanded oil drilling. (09/23/2008)
DFL Senate candidate Al Franken says Congress should not give the Bush administration a "blank check" as it considers a $700 billion plan to bail out the financial industry. (09/23/2008)
A new Quinnipiac poll shows the presidential race is a dead heat in Minnesota. The poll shows Democrat Barack Obama leading Republican John McCain 47 to 45 percent in Minnesota. That gap is within the poll's margin of error. (09/23/2008)
The candidates running for Congress in Minnesota's 3rd District clashed over taxes, foreign policy and the Wall Street bailout in a debate last night. (09/23/2008)


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