Election Coverage from MPR

Experts gathered at Washington University in St. Louis, the site of tonight's vice presidential debate, to discuss the role and power of the vice president during a panel discussion titled "Power and Problems of the Vice Presidency." The program was sponsored by the Weidenbaum Center on the Economy, Government and Public Policy. (Midday, 10/02/2008)
As Joe Biden and Sarah Palin prepare for one of the most anticipated vice presidential debates in recent memory, Midmorning examines what the two candidates need to do to convince the public they're ready to be second-in-command. (Midmorning, 10/02/2008)
Democratic presidential candidate Barack Obama says it's time for Congress "to take some clear action" on a financial rescue for Wall Street. (10/01/2008)
Minnesotans are seeing more Senate campaign ads than ever before, thanks to Republican and Democratic candidates flush with campaign cash. Analysts say most of the ads are negative and that they are not designed to educate voters. (10/01/2008)
Former DFL U.S. Senate candidate Jack Nelson-Pallmeyer spoke recently at the Westminster Town Hall Forum in Minneapolis. Nelson-Pallmeyer teaches in the Justice and Peace Studies Department at the University of St. Thomas. His speech was titled "Building a Movement to Rescue a Nation and Save the Earth." (10/01/2008)
Overshadowed a bit in the attention paid to vice presidential nominee Sarah Palin are the other women in the race -- the wives of the presidential candidates. Cindy McCain and Michelle Obama are campaigning too, and contributing to the image of their respective tickets. (Midmorning, 10/01/2008)


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