Election Coverage from MPR

The hotly debated $700 billion bailout bill passed by Congress last week introduced a number of complicated financial concepts into the pop culture lexicon lately. (10/06/2008)
Midday rebroadcasts the first U.S. Senate debate with Republican candidate Norm Coleman, Democratic candidate Al Franken and Independence Party candidate Dean Barkley. (Midday, 10/06/2008)
A recent Associated Press poll suggests that racial prejudice could cost Obama as much as 6 percentage points of support. Midmorning asks what role race will play in this presidential election. (Midmorning, 10/06/2008)
An unsettled U.S. Senate race provoked sharp exchanges Sunday night between Republican Sen. Norm Coleman and Democratic challenger Al Franken on the ailing economy, the war in Iraq and the art of compromise. A third man in the race, Dean Barkley, kept both rivals on their toes. (10/05/2008)
Whoever is elected president in November will be inheriting a struggling economy. (10/05/2008)
Republican presidential candidate John McCain will campaign in Minnesota again on Friday. (10/04/2008)


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