Election Coverage from MPR

Republican presumptive presidential nominee John McCain will be in Hudson, Wis. for a women-only forum. Midday broadcasts McCain's Hudson talk, then Carleton College political scientist Steven Schier provides political analysis and takes listener calls. (Midday, 07/11/2008)
Holding presidential campaign events in border towns like Hudson helps candidates leverage the kind of local news coverage they like the most. (07/11/2008)
Republican Sen. John McCain takes his presidential campaign to Hudson, Wis., today, where he'll hold a forum targeting women voters. Last night, McCain urged his Minnesota volunteers to redouble their efforts on his behalf, saying Minnesota and other Midwestern states are critical to his election. (07/10/2008)
DFL Senate candidate Al Franken ended the first half of 2008 with $4.2 million in the bank. Franken's campaign says it raised $2.26 million during the months of April, May and June. (07/10/2008)
Republican presidential hopeful John McCain holds a forum event in Hudson, Wis. to hear about the challenges women face in this economy. (Midmorning, 07/10/2008)
Former Minnesota Gov. Jesse Ventura is shooting down media reports that he's already decided whether to run for U.S. Senate. (07/09/2008)


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