Election Coverage from MPR

New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg is urging independent voters in Minnesota and across the country to demand thorough answers from the two major presidential candidates. (07/25/2008)
In the centerpiece of Barack Obama's overseas tour, the Democratic presidential candidate addressed a crowd of over 200,000 -- his largest crowd yet -- in Berlin, Germany. (Midday, 07/25/2008)
Minnesota DFL congressional candidate Ashwin Madia, whose parents immigrated to the U.S. from India, has received an outpouring of financial support from Indian Americans around the country. (07/25/2008)
Political pundits seized on John McCain's hints that he will soon announce his pick for vice president, but who will it be? Midmorning assesses the candidates, looks at Barack Obama's recent overseas trip, and debates whether the media is favoring the Illinois senator. (Midmorning, 07/25/2008)
Speculation is growing among political pundits and others that Gov. Tim Pawlenty could become Republican presidential nominee John McCain's choice for Vice President. (07/24/2008)
Governor Tim Pawlenty campaigned yesterday for Republican presidential hopeful John McCain in Grand Rapids, Michigan. (07/24/2008)


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