Election Coverage from MPR

U.S. Sen. Norm Coleman says he'll push to rescind $1 billion in U.S. funding for Iraqi reconstruction -- responding to a report that Iraq could finish the year with as much as a $79 billion cumulative budget surplus. (08/08/2008)
Rep. Mark Olson was permanently expelled from the House Republican Caucus last summer following his conviction on domestic assault charges. (08/08/2008)
The Republican running to replace retiring 3rd District U.S. Rep. Jim Ramstad is calling for off-shore drilling and more alternative energy. (08/08/2008)
DFL U.S. Senate candidate Al Franken says portions of the federal No Child Left Behind law need to change to accommodate broader approaches to learning. (08/08/2008)
Klobuchar, a Minnesota Democrat, sent an e-mail out Friday with the subject line, "Why I need Al Franken in the Senate." (08/08/2008)
Former U.S. Rep. Mickey Edwards says the Republican Party can't find a way to rebuld its reputation unless it turns back toward the Constitution. (Midday, 08/07/2008)


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