Election Coverage from MPR

The two major party candidates for U.S. Senate were talking up their energy proposals on the campaign trail today, now that gas prices have hit record highs. (07/02/2008)
DFL U.S. Senate candidate Al Franken says he no longer would consider supporting an increase in the federal gas tax. (07/01/2008)
A government watchdog group is calling for a Senate Ethics Committee investigation into Republican Sen. Norm Coleman's Washington D.C. rental arrangement. (07/01/2008)
County, state and federal candidates have until July 15 to submit their paperwork at the Secretary of State's office or in their county of residence. (07/01/2008)
The chairman of the DFL Party continues to question Republican U.S. Sen. Norm Coleman's relationship with a high-powered GOP operative. (06/30/2008)
Minnesota's 2008 Senate race leads the nation in campaign money. (06/30/2008)


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