John McCain

John McCain
Paul J. Richards/AFP/Getty Images

Election Coverage from MPR

Whoever is elected president in November will be inheriting a struggling economy. (10/05/2008)
Republican presidential candidate John McCain will campaign in Minnesota again on Friday. (10/04/2008)
Under intense scrutiny, Republican vice presidential candidate Sarah Palin stood her ground Thursday night against a vastly more experienced Joe Biden, debating the economy, energy and global warming, then challenging him on Iraq, "especially with your son in the National Guard." (10/02/2008)
Overshadowed a bit in the attention paid to vice presidential nominee Sarah Palin are the other women in the race -- the wives of the presidential candidates. Cindy McCain and Michelle Obama are campaigning too, and contributing to the image of their respective tickets. (Midmorning, 10/01/2008)
Historically, people under 30 have voted in lower numbers than other groups. But this year, there are signs that low voter turnout among youth is a thing of the past. (09/29/2008)
Midmorning analyzes the first presidential debate between Republican John McCain and Democrat Barack Obama. Who performed better in the matchup, which was held Friday night at the University of Mississippi? (Midmorning, 09/26/2008)
The debate is back on. John McCain and Barack Obama meet tonight in Mississippi for the first of three presidential debates. There's a big difference between political debates and those you'd see in high school. (09/26/2008)
John McCain accused Barack Obama of compiling "the most liberal voting record in the United States Senate" Friday night in their first debate of a close campaign for the White House. The Democrat shot back, "Mostly that's just me opposing George Bush's wrong-headed policies." (09/26/2008)
Prospects were questionable at best that John McCain and Barack Obama would meet Friday for their first presidential debate as progress appeared to dissolve between Congress and the Bush administration on a $700 billion financial industry bailout. (09/25/2008)
Republican John McCain said Wednesday that he wants to postpone Friday's debate to deal with the nation's financial problems, but Democrat Barack Obama said "it's more important than ever" that the country hear from its next president. (09/24/2008)

Candidate snapshot

Party: Republican


Date of Birth: 08/29/1936

Place of Birth: Panama

Education: United States Naval Academy

Religion: Baptist


Official campaign site



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