John McCain

John McCain
Paul J. Richards/AFP/Getty Images

Election Coverage from MPR

In a bold move, Democrat Barack Obama broadened his advertising campaign on Friday into two once reliably Republican states and placed a commercial in John McCain's home state of Arizona. (10/31/2008)
Barack Obama's campaign has approached Illinois Rep. Rahm Emanuel about possibly serving as White House chief of staff, officials said Thursday. Meanwhile, Republican candidate John McCain spent the day on a whirlwind tour of the battleground state of Ohio. (10/30/2008)
With less than a week to go until Election Day, a new poll shows Democrat Barack Obama with a commanding lead over Republican John McCain in Minnesota. (10/30/2008)
Democratic presidential candidate Barack Obama plunked down $4 million for a campaign-closing television ad Wednesday night, summoning voters to "choose hope over fear and unity over division" in Tuesday's election. Republican John McCain derided the event as a "gauzy, feel-good commercial," paid for with broken promises. (10/29/2008)
Doubts about John McCain's chances for the presidency grew louder among fellow Republicans on Tuesday as a White House race largely focused on Florida, Ohio and Pennsylvania entered its final week. (10/28/2008)
Republican John McCain and running mate Sarah Palin told a Pennsylvania audience Tuesday that "it's wonderful to fool the pundits" and vowed to pull out an upset win over Democratic rival Barack Obama. (10/28/2008)
Fading in the polls, John McCain fought Barack Obama for support in economically hard-hit Ohio on Monday, each man pledging to right the economy and turn the page on the Bush era in a state with an impressive record for picking presidents. (10/27/2008)
With the election just over a week away, volunteers for both Senators John McCain and Barack Obama have launched statewide get out the vote efforts. (10/27/2008)
Two advisors, one from each presidential campaign, talk about why their candidates are not giving up on health care reform despite the current economic crisis. There are big differences between the health care plans of Republican John McCain and Democrat Barack Obama. (Midmorning, 10/24/2008)
Barack Obama and John McCain enter the final days of the presidential campaign amid dwindling reserves, with Obama hindered by a sudden drop in fundraising and McCain restrained by spending limits. (10/24/2008)

Candidate snapshot

Party: Republican


Date of Birth: 08/29/1936

Place of Birth: Panama

Education: United States Naval Academy

Religion: Baptist


Official campaign site



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