John McCain

John McCain
Paul J. Richards/AFP/Getty Images

Election Coverage from MPR

Sen. Barack Obama's commanding 17-point lead in Wisconsin over John McCain shown in a new independent poll released Tuesday is the largest he's ever enjoyed in the state. (10/14/2008)
A new poll shows that Barack Obama has a commanding lead in Minnesota, and the race for Minnesota's U.S. Senate seat is very tight. (10/14/2008)
While it may not be the biggest national priority at the moment, the rising cost of health care is a major problem for many businesses and citizens. Both candidates have proposals to tackle the issue. (10/14/2008)
John McCain and Barack Obama both have big plans for the federal tax code. But the biggest difference between them involves what happens to families who make more than $250,000 dollars a year. Obama would raise their income taxes. McCain wouldn't. (10/13/2008)
The husband of Alaska Governor and vice presidential candidate Sarah Palin will visit the Iron Range and northwestern Minnesota this week. (10/12/2008)
Supporters of Republican presidential candidate John McCain showed some anger during a campaign event in Lakeville Friday, and the candidate urged them to be respectful of his Democratic rival, Barack Obama. (10/10/2008)
John McCain proposed Friday that the elderly be allowed to hang on to the stocks in their retirement funds and not be forced to sell them in a bad market. (10/10/2008)
Last night's debate was a town hall-style forum, and that means some of the questions came from the audience, which was made up of undecided voters. (10/08/2008)
Barack Obama and John McCain clashed repeatedly over the causes and cures for the worst economic crisis in 80 years Tuesday night in a debate in which Republican McCain called for a sweeping $300 billion program to shield homeowners from mortgage foreclosure. (10/07/2008)
A new Minnesota Public Radio News/University of Minnesota Humphrey Institute poll shows that the race for president in the state changed dramatically last week. The latest findings show that Democrat Barack Obama has surged ahead of his Republican opponent John McCain in Minnesota. (10/07/2008)

Candidate snapshot

Party: Republican


Date of Birth: 08/29/1936

Place of Birth: Panama

Education: United States Naval Academy

Religion: Baptist


Official campaign site



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