John McCain

John McCain
Paul J. Richards/AFP/Getty Images

Election Coverage from MPR

Governor Tim Pawlenty campaigned yesterday for Republican presidential hopeful John McCain in Grand Rapids, Michigan. (07/24/2008)
Ron Paul's revolution rally is moving to a bigger site. (07/22/2008)
In an address before the NAACP today, presumptive Republican nominee John McCain talked about his plan for education. (07/16/2008)
Republican presidential candidate John McCain held a town hall meeting today in Hudson, Wis., where he talked to an audience made up of mostly women about his plans to boost a sagging economy. (07/11/2008)
Republican presumptive presidential nominee John McCain will be in Hudson, Wis. for a women-only forum. Midday broadcasts McCain's Hudson talk, then Carleton College political scientist Steven Schier provides political analysis and takes listener calls. (Midday, 07/11/2008)
Holding presidential campaign events in border towns like Hudson helps candidates leverage the kind of local news coverage they like the most. (07/11/2008)
Republican Sen. John McCain takes his presidential campaign to Hudson, Wis., today, where he'll hold a forum targeting women voters. Last night, McCain urged his Minnesota volunteers to redouble their efforts on his behalf, saying Minnesota and other Midwestern states are critical to his election. (07/10/2008)
Republican presidential hopeful John McCain holds a forum event in Hudson, Wis. to hear about the challenges women face in this economy. (Midmorning, 07/10/2008)
Education hasn't been much of a campaign issue so far in the race for the White House. But it popped up on the political radar this weekend when the National Education Association voted to endorse Illinois Sen. Barack Obama. (07/07/2008)
A construction company in Hudson, Wis., is preparing to host a presidential campaign appearance by Republican candidate John McCain. (07/07/2008)

Candidate snapshot

Party: Republican


Date of Birth: 08/29/1936

Place of Birth: Panama

Education: United States Naval Academy

Religion: Baptist


Official campaign site



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