Election Coverage from MPR

Live coverage of a speech by Democratic presidential nominee Barack Obama at an outdoor rally in LaCrosse, Wis. (Midmorning, 10/01/2008)
To win Wisconsin in their campaign for president, Republican John McCain and Democrat Barack Obama have to do well in eight counties that border Minnesota along the Mississippi River. Obama makes his pitch to them at a rally in La Crosse tomorrow morning. (09/30/2008)
Republican presidential candidate John McCain's top economic advisor addresses the intense economic pressures facing the candidates in this campaign, and the bipartisan struggle to settle on a bailout plan. (Midmorning, 09/30/2008)
Republican Michele Bachmann, who represents the 6th District, couldn't make her flight home in time because of House action today on the financial bailout bill. (09/29/2008)
Historically, people under 30 have voted in lower numbers than other groups. But this year, there are signs that low voter turnout among youth is a thing of the past. (09/29/2008)
A pastor in Warroad, Minn., is among more than two dozen around the nation who are testing the prohibition against preaching politics from the pulpit. (09/29/2008)


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