Election Coverage from MPR

With less than 30 days left until election day, the negative ads and the attacks are coming fast and furious. Midmorning analyzes and fact checks the latest round of ads in the presidential campaign and the race for the Minnesota senate seat. (Midmorning, 10/08/2008)
Barack Obama and John McCain clashed repeatedly over the causes and cures for the worst economic crisis in 80 years Tuesday night in a debate in which Republican McCain called for a sweeping $300 billion program to shield homeowners from mortgage foreclosure. (10/07/2008)
The wife of Democratic presidential nominee Barack Obama is on her way back to Minnesota. (10/07/2008)
A new Minnesota Public Radio News/University of Minnesota Humphrey Institute poll shows that the race for president in the state changed dramatically last week. The latest findings show that Democrat Barack Obama has surged ahead of his Republican opponent John McCain in Minnesota. (10/07/2008)
Behind in the polls, John McCain is trying to steer the discussion away from the economy and focus more on the issue of character. Midmorning looks at how that dynamic might shape tonight's town hall-style presidential debate. (Midmorning, 10/07/2008)
When Minnesotans go to the polls November 4th, they could deliver a major change to state government. (10/06/2008)


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