Election Coverage from MPR

Sen. Norm Coleman says his Republican colleague Ted Stevens should resign from the U.S. Senate. (10/28/2008)
One of the "override six," Rep. Ron Erhardt is seeking re-election to a 10th term in the Minnesota House. But this time he's running as an independent. (10/28/2008)
Former President Bill Clinton will make a campaign stop in Minnesota later this week. (10/28/2008)
Having won Martin Sabo's 5th Congressional District seat just two years ago, Democrat Keith Ellison, who represents Minneapolis and some surrounding suburbs, is defending his place in Congress against Republican Barb Davis White and the IP's Bill McGaughey. All three candidates join Gary Eichten in studio for a debate. (Midday, 10/28/2008)
Since the presidential candidates are so diametrically different, many experts are baffled by the existence of the undecided voter so close to Election Day. Midmorning asks if this indecision is a myth and how valuable the undecided vote really is. (Midmorning, 10/28/2008)
Fading in the polls, John McCain fought Barack Obama for support in economically hard-hit Ohio on Monday, each man pledging to right the economy and turn the page on the Bush era in a state with an impressive record for picking presidents. (10/27/2008)


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