Election Coverage from MPR

Magistrate Tim Tingelstad is challenging Paul Anderson, who's served on the Minnesota Supreme Court for 14 years. (10/29/2008)
Doubts about John McCain's chances for the presidency grew louder among fellow Republicans on Tuesday as a White House race largely focused on Florida, Ohio and Pennsylvania entered its final week. (10/28/2008)
Republican John McCain and running mate Sarah Palin told a Pennsylvania audience Tuesday that "it's wonderful to fool the pundits" and vowed to pull out an upset win over Democratic rival Barack Obama. (10/28/2008)
From a Pennsylvania rainstorm to a thunderous Virginia rally, Barack Obama revved up his followers Tuesday, offering lofty promises of new politics and governing. (10/28/2008)
With a week to go until Election Day, two of the major party candidates running for U.S. Senate got some help from popular politicians who aren't on the ballot this year. (10/28/2008)
Trust in the political system has declined from the high levels it reached just after the terrorist attacks of Sept. 11, 2001. But some say a lack of trust can be a good thing in politics. (Midmorning, 10/28/2008)


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