Election Coverage from MPR

Republican Norm Coleman is claiming victory in Minnesota's Senate race. But it could be weeks before the state has an official winner. Coleman's lead over Democrat Al Franken is now just 475 votes out of 2.9 million cast. The margin is so narrow it has triggered an automatic recount. (11/05/2008)
With Democrats now controlling the Minnesota House by the strongest majority in 16 years, the leader of minority Republicans says he's not sure he wants the job anymore. (11/05/2008)
With a gracious nod to Barack Obama, John McCain acknowledged defeat and urged his supporters to move beyond partisan differences to put country first - an echo of his campaign theme. (11/05/2008)
Former Republican Congressman and Minnesota native Vin Weber and Obama's Minnesota State Director Jeff Blodgett discussed the results of the national and state elections at the University of Minnesota's Humphrey Institute. (Midday, 11/05/2008)
His storied election behind him and weighty problems in his face, Barack Obama turned Wednesday to the task of building an administration in times of crisis as Americans and the world absorbed his history-shattering achievement as the first black leader ascending to the presidency. (11/05/2008)
Democrat Barack Obama swept the country and defeated rival Republican John McCain in a decisive victory. In Minnesota, the Senate race is headed for a recount. (Midday, 11/05/2008)


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