Election Coverage from MPR

Unofficial results show only a few hundred votes separate Republican Sen. Norm Coleman and DFL challenger Al Franken, after a day of vote counting on Wednesday. That narrow lead triggers an automatic statewide recount by the Secretary of State's office. But the matter could end up in the courts. (11/06/2008)
Democratic U.S. Senate candidate Al Franken says it is clear that the votes in Minnesota's Senate race need to be recounted, given how close the results are. He rejected calls by Republican incument Norm Coleman for him to concede the race. Franken spoke to MPR's Gary Eichten on Midday today. (11/06/2008)
National public Radio's Juan Williams, Emmy Award-winner and best-selling author of "Eyes on the Prize: America's Civil Rights Years," joins Midday to discuss the history of the civil rights movement leading to the election of the country's first black president. (Midday, 11/06/2008)
As an Obama administration begins to take shape, Minnesota's U.S. Senate candidates are gearing up for a statewide recount. Midday examines the election results and the still unsettled questions. (Midday, 11/06/2008)
Coleman declared himself the winner of Tuesday's election but Franken said he would let the recount play out, hoping it would erase the incumbent's 439-vote lead out of nearly 2.9 million ballots. (11/06/2008)
Democrat Barack Obama defeated Republican John McCain by almost 10 percentage points in Minnesota, but that wave of support didn't propel U.S. Senate candidate Al Franken to a decisive victory over Norm Coleman. (11/06/2008)


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