Election Coverage from MPR

The state's U.S. Senate recount offers a rare look into the various voting methods of Minnesotans. But, Minnesota isn't the only state where voters take creative liberties with their ballots. (11/26/2008)
The fate of thousands of rejected absentee ballots in the U.S. Senate race could be determined Wednesday when the State Canvassing Board meets to discuss the issue. Democrat Al Franken's campaign is asking the five member board to consider the ballots and whether elections officials made the right decision when they discarded the ballots. (11/26/2008)
The latest official numbers on the Minnesota Senate recount have the pile of contested ballots growing. It now stands at nearly 3,600. (11/25/2008)
Democrat Al Franken's campaign says it has lists of more than 6,400 rejected absentee ballots in the Minnesota Senate race. It will press the state canvassing board to consider the rejected absentee ballots when the board meets tomorrow. (11/25/2008)
Minnesota's U.S. Senate race recount enters its sixth day Tuesday, with Republican incumbent Norm Coleman still holding a narrow lead over Democratic challenger Al Franken. (11/24/2008)
Minnesota is entering the second week of the U.S. Senate recount. About two-thirds of the ballots have been recounted, and election officials are working to finish the remaining precincts by a December 5 deadline. But the recount may not end the matter. (11/24/2008)


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