Election Coverage from MPR

Democrat Al Franken's campaign is withdrawing some of the ballots it has challenged during Minnesota's U.S. Senate recount. Meanwhile, there were more vote discrepancies today. (12/03/2008)
Scott and Wright counties will start recounting their votes in Minnesota's U.S. Senate race today. With just three days until the recounting is expected to end, 93 percent of the vote has been recounted and the campaigns for Republican Norm Coleman and Democrat Al Franken have challenged 6,000 ballots. (12/03/2008)
The Minnesota Secretary of State's office says the campaigns in Minnesota's U.S. Senate recount battle need to reduce the number of ballots their campaigns are challenging. That number is nearing 6,000. (12/02/2008)
Democrat Al Franken has gained 37 votes on Republican Sen. Norm Coleman in the U.S. Senate recount, after Ramsey County found 171 ballots that weren't counted on election night. (12/02/2008)
More than 90 percent of the votes are counted in Minnesota's U.S. Senate race, amid charges of missing ballots and thousands of challenges. The ballot recount must be completed by Friday. (Midday, 12/02/2008)
The Secretary of State's office has released copies of 1,000 of the 5943 contested ballots so far. MPR News found many of the challenges to be frivolous. (12/02/2008)


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