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Coverage from Minnesota Public Radio

Minnesota National Guard soldiers charged with transporting thousands of soldiers and their equipment have already been working for more than half a year on logistics for the upcoming deployment by the First Brigade Combat Team, 34th Infantry Division to Kuwait. (05/20/2011)
The Red Bulls served the longest combat tour of any unit in the Iraq War - and now it's their turn again. For about 40 percent of these soldiers, the deployment means yet another long separation from loved ones. (05/20/2011)
The deploying Red Bull soldiers represent 530 communities throughout Minnesota and 15 other states. About 39 percent of deploying soldiers leave behind at least one dependent child or spouse. (05/19/2011)
Fiercely opposed to the war from the start, President Barack Obama formally ended the U.S. combat role in Iraq after seven long years of bloodshed, declaring firmly Tuesday night: "It is time to turn the page." Claiming no victory, he said the nation's most urgent priority now must be fixing its own sickly economy. (08/31/2010)
An airfield in southern Afghanistan has been named in honor of a fallen Marine from the Iron Range. (04/26/2010)
More than 550 Minnesota National Guard soldiers are expected back on Friday and Saturday after serving a year in Iraq and Kuwait. (04/01/2010)
Lawmakers are considering deep spending cuts to erase a nearly $1 billion budget deficit, but so far, veterans programs have been off limits from cuts. (03/16/2010)
The Department of Defense has confirmed that a 25-year-old Burnsville man was killed on an Army mission in Iraq. (09/04/2009)
Two Minnesotans were reported dead over the weekend as a result of the conflict in Afghanistan. (07/19/2009)
Family and friends are mourning the deaths of three Minnesota National Guard soldiers who were killed Thursday night at their military base near Basra in Southern Iraq. (07/17/2009)
Eighty-two soldiers from the Minnesota National Guard are heading for a year-long deployment in Iraq. (07/10/2009)
How will Iraqi police and military forces protect Iraqi citizens? Will relations between warring factions worsen or improve? When will all U.S. troops be out of Iraq? (Midday, 06/29/2009)
A documentary from the America Abroad series explores the state of Iraqi security forces and the stability of the economy and infrastructure. Can Iraq stand on its own two feet when U.S. troops withdraw? (Midday, 05/05/2009)
Military officials say an Army soldier who grew up in Iowa and later moved to South Dakota has died after being shot near Kirkuk, Iraq. (04/27/2009)
At least 87,215 Iraqis have been killed in violence since 2005, according to a previously undisclosed Iraqi government tally obtained by The Associated Press. (04/23/2009)
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