

  • Report: middle class takes hardest tax hit
    Just as DFL lawmakers start a push for higher taxes on businesses and the wealthy, a state report using 2004 tax data indicates that middle-class Minnesotans are getting stuck with an increasing share of the tax tab.March 20, 2007
  • Pawlenty and Peterson tour Browns Valley
    Governor Tim Pawlenty and Congressman Colin Peterson toured the flooded western Minnesota town of Browns Valley. Local officials now say the mid-week flood damaged 140 homes.March 16, 2007
  • House Democrats propose new top tier on income taxes
    The proposal they unveiled on Friday would create a new income tax bracket for an estimated 28,000 Minnesotans. Republicans claim the tax will drive people out of the state.March 16, 2007
  • Flood recedes but tempers rise in Browns Valley
    In Browns Valley some residents are still not able to get into their homes, a day after the Little Minnesota River sent icy waters rushing through town. Although flood waters are receding and that means many of the 100 or so residents evacuated Wednesday morning are starting to assess flood damage to their homes and property.March 15, 2007
  • Dollar-a-deer license surcharge on course in House
    A House committee approved the surcharge on a 10-5 vote. The money it would raise each year -- almost $500,000 -- would repay meat processors who turn donated deer into venison for food shelves.March 12, 2007
  • Minneapolis Council members want circus animal ban
    A couple of Minneapolis City Council members plan to introduce a ban on performances by circus animals.March 12, 2007
  • Duluth looks for a new airbase tenant
    Duluth officials expect Northwest Airlines to soon drop its lease of the massive heavy jet maintenance facility in the city. But if Northwest officially pulls out of the building, state law makes it almost impossible for Duluth to find another tenant.March 8, 2007
  • Plan would make every Minnesotan get health insurance
    Every Minnesotan would have health insurance by the year 2011 under a new bill introduced by lawmakers Thursday.March 8, 2007
  • Votes on St. Paul's fire chief roll in
    Firefighters in St. Paul are holding a vote on whether they approve of the performance the chief, Doug Holton.March 7, 2007
  • House Democrats push higher income taxes for schools
    A key House committee chair is proposing an income tax increase to fund Minnesota schools. Rep. Mindy Greiling, DFL-Roseville who chairs the K-12 Finance Committee, wants to raise the tax rate for upper-income Minnesotans.March 5, 2007
  • No death knell just yet for DM&E expansion plan
    Now that the federal government has denied a huge loan for the DM&E railroad expansion, is the project dead? DM&E still has federal approval to expand its lines, but no financing. People along the rail line in southern Minnesota and South Dakota are wondering what's yet to come.February 27, 2007
  • Bill may increase commercial trout fishing on Lake Superior
    Commercial fishermen along the North Shore of Lake Superior could be allowed to bring more lake trout to market.February 26, 2007
  • Federal government rejects loan for DM&E railroad
    The head of the Federal Railroad Administration says the $2.3 billion federal loan sought by DM&E would pose an unacceptably high risk to federal taxpayers.February 26, 2007
  • Parents debate HPV vaccination
    Minnesota parents debate the pros and cons of a proposal to require an HPV vaccine for 12-year-old girls.February 22, 2007
  • Walz hears farm bill ideas
    Southwest Minnesota farmers told 1st District Congressman Tim Walz Wednesday what they'd like to see in the next farm bill. Among the suggestions: cap federal subsidy payments to the largest farms.February 21, 2007

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