

  • St. Paul considers new approach to feral cat population
    The feral cat population is exploding in the Twin Cities metro area -- it's estimated at one million animals. Now the city of St. Paul is looking at a new approach to try to reduce those numbers.July 18, 2007
  • Long-stalled mental health parity bill will see Congressional action Wednesday
    A mental health bill named for the late Minnesota U.S. Sen. Paul Wellstone will get its first vote in 11 years Wednesday, in the U.S. House of Representatives.July 17, 2007
  • State says cost of sexual assault is $8 billion a year
    The unprecedented attempt to quantify the cost of sexual violence measured the financial burdens from medical and mental health care, criminal justice costs, lost time at work and other factors.July 17, 2007
  • The surgeon general's role explained
    The office of U.S. Surgeon General has been in the spotlight this past week, with former officeholders accusing the Bush administration of exerting political pressure on their activities. We asked our regular medical analyst to explain the role of the nation's surgeon general.July 17, 2007
  • Northfield police chief takes leave after heroin flap
    The Northfield police chief is taking a temporary leave of absence. The chief has been in the spotlight recently over comments he made about heroin use in Northfield.July 17, 2007
  • Governor proposes new state park
    Minnesota may soon create its 73rd state park and recreation area. Gov. Pawlenty announced Tuesday that the state is negotiating to buy land on Lake Vermilion in northeastern Minnesota.July 17, 2007
  • Wish list for state construction dollars is long, getting longer
    From parking ramps to hockey arenas, local governments will be seeking a mountain of construction money from the state during next year's legislative session.July 17, 2007
  • Uptick in violence stirs debate over St. Paul police staffing
    St. Paul police are blaming gangs for a spike in shooting incidents over the past two weeks. The shootings have prompted sparring between the police union and the mayor's office over staffing levels.July 13, 2007
  • Republicans not the only ones taking heat on Iraq
    Some rank and file Democratic voters are expressing frustration that the Democratic majority in Congress isn't doing enough to end the war in Iraq.July 12, 2007
  • Feds will decide on funding for Northstar line by this fall
    U.S. Transportation Secretary Mary Peters said in Minnesota Tuesday she's confident that $156 million in federal money for the Northstar commuter rail line will come through.July 10, 2007
  • Headlines and health care
    From federal funding of stem cell research to consumer-driven health plans, bioethicist Arthur Caplan discusses medical issues in the news.Midday, July 9, 2007
  • Childhood chronic conditions on the rise
    The number of children and youth in the United States with chronic health conditions has increased dramatically over the past 40 years, led by the rise in obesity, asthma, and attention deficit disorder. Midmorning looks at what's behind the increase, and what it could mean for the health care system.Midmorning, July 3, 2007
  • Minnesota JOBZ program faces another lawsuit
    Gov. Tim Pawlenty's pet economic development program is facing another legal challenge. Ten companies and individuals announced a lawsuit Wednesday that challenges the constitutionality of the Minnesota JOBZ program. They say the program gives an unfair advantage to their competitors who benefit from JOBZ.June 27, 2007
  • States create their own welfare rules
    Eleven years after Congress changed welfare to focus on work, some states are sidestepping the rules by starting their own welfare programs.June 27, 2007
  • Torture survivor advocates call for change
    Minnesota's advocates for torture survivors say many people who come to the U.S. to escape persecution are being retraumatized once they get here. Asylum seekers are often held in county jails while their legal status is being determined.June 26, 2007

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