

  • U.S. Senate passes $286 billion farm bill
    The bill, passed on a 79-14 vote, expands subsidies for wheat, barley, oat, soybeans and several other crops and creates new grants for vegetable and fruit growers.December 14, 2007
  • Duluth considers changes in new rental ordinance
    Duluth is reconsidering a recently passed ordinace that places restrictions on student rentals.December 14, 2007
  • Farm bill will influence food shelf future
    The slow-down in passing a new Farm Bill has left increasingly needy food shelves and food stamp recipients in the lurch.December 13, 2007
  • The mixed message about Iran
    Though the most recent National Intelligence Estimate reports that Iran has abandoned plans for a nuclear weapon program, President Bush insists that Iran continues to be a security threat. Midmorning discusses whether further sanctions against Iran are needed to end its disputed nuclear program.Midmorning, December 6, 2007
  • Budget shortfall at $373 million
    State Finance officials say a struggling economy is forcing Minnesota's budget into a deficit again. Forecasters say the state will see a $373 million deficit by mid-2009. Gov. Pawlenty and state lawmakers are now faced with raising taxes, cutting spending or spending a part of the budget reserve to balance the state's budget.November 30, 2007
  • The shape of Minnesota's economy
    The new state revenue forecast is released Friday morning, and Gov. Tim Pawlenty says he is bracing for bad news. He says the housing problems, the credit crunch, and high oil prices all point to a downturn in the state's financial situation.Midday, November 29, 2007
  • Critics voice concerns at Iron Range power plant EIS meeting
    The critics ruled at a public meeting for a proposed Iron Range power plant Tuesday. The gathering in the town of Taconite was to hear comments on the draft Environmental Impact Statement for Excelsior Energy's proposed coal gasification power plant.November 28, 2007
  • State lawmakers examine education funding system
    State lawmakers are still analyzing this month's school levy votes and the need for changes in the education finance system.November 27, 2007
  • Employees not seeing many HSA bargains
    When employers offer an health savings account to their workers along with other insurance options, employees tend to favor more traditional coverage.November 25, 2007
  • Bergson veto restores Duluth housing program
    Duluth mayor restores a housing program which he describes as his legacy, but council members vow to kill it again.November 21, 2007
  • Security funds for national conventions tied up in stalemate
    The stalemate in Congress could force Minneapolis-St. Paul and Denver, the host cities for the Republican and Democratic conventions, to front tens of millions of dollars. Congressional delegations from both states will ask Congress to approve the funds before the end of the year.November 20, 2007
  • The Neuter Commuter hits the road
    The people who run the Neuter Commuter are fixing to fix more pets. But Minnesota law won't let them do it for free and they say that's a problem.November 19, 2007
  • Order shifts control of Minnesota vets homes
    Gov. Pawlenty has signed an executive order that dissolves the Minnesota Veterans Homes Board and tunrs over supervision of those facilities to the state Department of Veterans Affairs.November 19, 2007
  • Duluth council begins budgetary bloodletting
    The axe fell this week on a high speed train study, the public arts commission and public housing. City council members are trying to trim a city budget strained by health care expenses for retired employees.November 15, 2007
  • Some say no to Hutchinson's hotel smoking ban
    Hotel and motel operators say the city of Hutchinson has gone too far banning smoking in individual rooms.November 13, 2007

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