

  • Rebid of Wakota bridge goes to same company, for the same money
    MnDOT opened bids Friday to complete the half-finished Wakota bridge in the southeast metro area. The apparent winning bid is from the same company that was building the bridge when MnDOT halted construction in 2004, and for virtually the same amount of money.January 25, 2008
  • Pawlenty says Central Corridor LRT plan costs too much
    Gov. Pawlenty is renewing his call for the parties involved in planning the Central Corridor LRT line between St. Paul and Minneapolis agree on a final route.January 23, 2008
  • Minneapolis seeks help paying Target Center's bills
    Minneapolis' top priority during the upcoming legislative session will be some relief in the form of state aid for the Target Center. Once new, the facility isn't attracting high-profile acts, and it's running in the red.January 17, 2008
  • Pawlenty says education funding will stand pat this year
    Gov. Tim Pawlenty addressed the Minnesota School Boards Association on Thursday morning. He didn't offer the group much in the way of new initiatives or pledges of per-student funding increases.January 17, 2008
  • Washington County commissioner dies in hotel fall
    Gregory T. Orth, 61, of Woodbury, fell over a railing in his fourth-floor room at the Holiday Inn Civic Center in Mankato Saturday afternoon and landed in the ground floor courtyard. He died a short time later.January 13, 2008
  • Road show begins to promote new Vikings stadium
    The state's Metropolitan Sports Facilities Commission is making its pitch for a new Vikings stadium to people outside the Twin Cities.January 8, 2008
  • The politics of health care reform
    From access issues to pharmaceutical policy, health care will be a key issue on the minds of voters. Midmorning's experts look at current problems, and future models for a system that many say is broken.Midmorning, January 7, 2008
  • CIA confirms Ventura meeting occurred
    Former Gov. Jesse Ventura is raising a few eyebrows with claims in a new book about his dealings the Central Intelligence Agency. But the CIA confirms at least some of what he writes.January 3, 2008
  • State's sesquicentennial bash is on tight budget
    The state board created to direct the state's 150th birthday celebration has raised only about $1 million, only a quarter of what had been hoped for.January 1, 2008
  • Cities plowing through winter
    This winter's white December has kept snowplow drivers busy, and the forecast is calling for more snow into next week. Even though there has been a lot of snow, city officials are reporting that plow budgets are in good shape.December 27, 2007
  • Herb Bergson's legacy
    Herb Bergson's time as Duluth mayor is coming to an end. Bergson's four-year term has been over-shadowed by a city government in financial crisis. He faced his own personal crisis in office. But he's also made progress against a huge city debt.December 27, 2007
  • Northfield City Council to discuss allegations of mayoral misconduct
    On Saturday Northfield's City Council will decide what to do about the findings of a report issued earlier this week that shows that Mayor Lee Lansing exerted improper influence on behalf of his son.December 21, 2007
  • Non-profits may lose property tax exemption
    Leaders in Minnesota's non-profit community are strategizing over how to respond to a decision by the state's top court. The Minnesota Supreme Court recently issued a ruling that could jeopardize the property tax exemption for non-profits in the state.December 20, 2007
  • Health savings accounts: Are they helping consumers?
    For several years companies have turned to health savings accounts to reduce costs. HSAs are high deductible plans that shift more of the responsibility for medical care onto the consumer. Recently, Indiana announced it would start offering HSAs to the poor. The question remains whether shifting to HSAs will contain costs better than other forms of health insurance.Midmorning, December 20, 2007
  • Legislature launches its own bridge probe
    The Minnesota Legislature is spending up to $500,000 to hire a Minneapolis-based law firm to help investigate the 35W bridge collapse.December 19, 2007

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