

  • Pawlenty orders state government hiring freeze
    Gov. Tim Pawlenty has imposed a hiring freeze on most state agencies, due to concerns over the state's projected budget deficit.February 19, 2008
  • It's agreed: Hastings bridge needs replacement, but how to pay for it?
    There are renewed calls for the Hastings bridge to be replaced, after a new MnDOT report downgraded the bridge's condition. The span is slated for replacement, but not until next decade. Replacing the bridge would cost nearly $100 million, and at this point that money isn't available.February 15, 2008
  • Court system short of cash
    The Minnesota judicial system is reporting a deficit, and a group is studying the possibility of closing county courtrooms.February 15, 2008
  • Hastings bridge downgraded
    The condition rating of the Hastings bridge, already one of the lowest-rated bridges in the Twin Cities region, has been lowered even further, according to a state Transportation Department inspection report.February 15, 2008
  • Outdoors, arts amendment heads to ballot
    Minnesota voters will decide this fall whether to raise the state sales tax to benefit the outdoors and arts.February 14, 2008
  • Legislature aims for higher bonding for higher education
    A new Bell Museum, building renovations at Minnesota State University Mankato, and a long list of college campus repairs await word of state bonding money.February 13, 2008
  • DFLers invite showdown with Pawlenty over gas tax
    DFL legislators unveiled a transportation funding bill Tuesday that looks a lot like the one Gov. Tim Pawlenty vetoed last session.February 12, 2008
  • A quiet legislative session expected on K-12 education
    K-12 education funding is mostly in a holding pattern after an infusion of cash in 2007.February 12, 2008
  • Health care task forces make recommendations
    A health care task force appointed by Gov. Pawlenty and a Legislative Commission on Health Care Access are out with new reports. Midday examines their recommendations.Midday, February 8, 2008
  • Great Lakes advocates not pleased with Bush's spending plan
    President Bush's proposed budget would shortchange efforts to clean up the Great Lakes and to keep problems such as sewage overflows and exotic species invasions from getting worse, critics said.February 7, 2008
  • Bush budget includes money for Northstar rail line
    President Bush's 2009 budget proposal includes $71 million for the Northstar commuter rail line, the federal government's final installment of its portion of the cost.February 5, 2008
  • Will revolutionize health care?
    What if you could choose your doctor based on the best price for specific treatments? A new Web site called is trying to offer consumers a side-by-side comparison of medical costs. The service might prove revolutionary, if more providers join the system and the concept catches fire with consumers.Midmorning, February 4, 2008
  • State economist says budget gap likely to grow
    A projected state government budget gap is likely to grow from the $373 million forecast back in November, because tax revenues are lagging due to the slumping economy, according to the state's top economist.January 30, 2008
  • Molnau defends Wakota bridge bidding process
    Minnesota Transportation Commissioner Carol Molnau is asking that the Legislative Auditor, an independent agency, review the bidding process for the troubled Wakota Bridge project in the southeast metro area.January 29, 2008
  • Auditor concerned about smaller school transport vehicles
    A new Legislative Auditor's report says kids are about eight times safer on a Minnesota school bus than they are in a car. But the report points out some safety concerns as well.January 29, 2008

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