

  • News Cut: Ethanol tax vs. gas tax
    For all the talk about the ruin to be caused by the gas tax increase in Minnesota, comparatively little is said in the state these days about the "ethanol tax," which has had a significant impact in the cost of operating a vehicle.April 14, 2008
  • House passes bill to expand health care programs
    The Minnesota House has passed a health care reform bill that would expand public health programs to tens of thousands of uninsured residents.April 11, 2008
  • Restrictions on utility disconnections end next week
    Xcel Energy is reminding Minnesotans who haven't kept up with their winter heating bills that the state's Cold Weather Rule ends next week.April 11, 2008
  • Participation in JOBZ declines
    For the third year in a row, the number of companies using Minnesota's JOBZ program has fallen. The Legislature is debating whether JOBZ should continue.April 11, 2008
  • Pawlenty opposes banning federal ID program
    Gov. Pawlenty is threatening to veto a transportation policy bill, because it includes a measure that would forbid the state from adopting a new federal ID system called Real ID.April 10, 2008
  • St. Paul threatens legal action against banks that own vacant houses
    The city of St. Paul is threatening to sue a handful of banks that own a large share of vacant homes in the city. City officials say many of the houses shuttered by foreclosure don't meet building codes and are creating a public safety hazard.April 9, 2008
  • League of Cities sends stern warning to Maplewood over squabbles
    The League of Minnesota Cities decided to offer Maplewood a renewal to its membership afer it considered dumping the city altogether. The membership renewel comes with a stiff premium and deductible increases.April 9, 2008
  • Democrats say it's up to Pawlenty to revive rail money
    Advocates of the Central Corridor light rail line vented Tuesday over Gov. Tim Pawlenty's veto of state financing for the project and said it's up to him to keep the project from withering.April 8, 2008
  • Bell Museum loses chance for new building
    The University of Minnesota hoped to secure $24 million in state money for a new Bell Museum building, but Gov. Tim Pawlenty vetoed the item Monday from the bonding bill.April 8, 2008
  • St. Paul officials: What does Pawlenty have against us?
    Gov. Tim Pawlenty signed a bonding bill Monday afternoon, but not before cutting $208 million worth of projects from the bill. The governor used his line-item veto authority to take down more than 50 projects, many of them in St. Paul.April 7, 2008
  • Hastings bridge inspection will preview summer traffic
    An annual inspection to the Highway 61 bridge in Hastings, Minn. will reduce traffic to one lane during the day this week. The delay will give planners and drivers a preview of the coming construction.April 7, 2008
  • Panel to unveil plan to fix imbalances among public schools
    A House-Senate panel says changes to rework how public schools are funded are needed now. The panel will unveil their plan to move school districts away from a reliance on local tax levies and fix imbalances today.April 7, 2008
  • Smoking shacks to protect smokers from the weather
    The Minnesota House voted to include funding for smoking shacks to protect smokers outside of bars and restaurants from frigid temperatures.April 4, 2008
  • House and Senate work late to pass budget bills
    Lawmakers in the Minnesota House and Senate debated late into the morning to pass two separtate bills to erase the state's $935 million projected budget deficit. But Governor Pawlenty says both bills are unacceptable.April 4, 2008
  • Republican leaders slam DFL budget fix bill
    Gov. Tim Pawlenty says the bill to fix the state's nearly $1 billion budget deficit is "not acceptable."April 3, 2008

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