

  • Legislators see bonding bill as an economic pump
    Democrats in the Minnesota House are proposing a bonding plan that includes much more funding building projects at state colleges and universities than Gov. Tim Pawlenty's plan.March 3, 2008
  • Budget problems could doom plans for new state park
    Efforts to create a state park at Lake Vermilion in northern Minnesota face more hurdles amid a sagging economic forecast and differing opinions about how the state should purchase the land.March 2, 2008
  • Bipartisanship takes a hit at the Capitol this week
    Gov. Pawlenty suffered two major setbacks at the hands of the DFL-controlled Legislature this week, when lawmakers overrode his veto of a $6 billion transportation bill, and the Senate ousted MnDOT Commissioner Carol Molnau. Two former legislative leaders discuss whether those events will get in the way of action on the state budget and other issues.Midday, February 29, 2008
  • The reasons behind the deficit
    Thursday's report that state government is facing tough times is a result of many Minnesotans also facing tough times. MPR's Tom Weber traces the connection between consumers and the state's budget.February 28, 2008
  • Minnesota's budget deficit nearly $1 billion
    Minnesota's projected budget deficit nearly tripled Thursday, growing to $935 million and making spending cuts tougher to avoid.February 28, 2008
  • Which projects get first dibs on transportation money?
    Now that the state Transportation Department has millions of new dollars to spend on repair and construction projects, it's time to decide which ones get done first.February 27, 2008
  • After the override, the fallout
    Democrats and Republicans at the Minnesota Capitol are trying to gauge the political fallout from the override of Gov. Tim Pawlenty's veto of the transportation bill.February 26, 2008
  • Transportation veto override vote highlights week ahead at the Capitol
    A multi-billion dollar transportation bill at the State Capitol could face a key vote in the Minnesota House Monday.February 25, 2008
  • State's budget deficit could double
    In November, state finance officials projected a $373 million budget deficit by mid-2009.February 25, 2008
  • How Pawlenty's veto impacts transit
    One of the tax increases in the transportation bill vetoed by Gov. Pawlenty is an optional one-quarter percent sales tax for Twin Cities transit. Advocates say the money would supply a long needed, dedicated source of transit funding for the metro area.February 22, 2008
  • Pawlenty vetos transportation bill
    Gov. Pawlenty has vetoed a bill that would spend $6.6 billion over the next 10 years on transportation, setting up an override showdown in the the House and Senate.February 22, 2008
  • Transportation bill headed to governor's desk
    Supporters and opponents of a transportation funding bill will be stepping up their lobbying efforts now that the Minnesota House and Senate have both passed it. The Senate passed the bill with enough votes to override a gubernatorial veto. The House came up one vote short.February 21, 2008
  • Who pays when a home goes empty?
    What's Minneapolis' responsibility for foreclosed properties? For every empty property, the city can spend thousands on securing the home, boarding windows and doors and maintaining the lot. Who should pay those bills?February 21, 2008
  • Pressure builds as transportation vote nears
    The House and Senate are expected to vote Thursday on a multi-billion dollar transportation funding bill. DFL leaders in the House are working to convince 90 members to vote for the bill -- that's the number needed to override a veto.February 21, 2008
  • Transportation audit gives more ammunition to DFLers
    A report by the Legislative Auditor says the Minnesota Department of Transportation doesn't have enough money to meet the state's basic needs, and needs more money to conduct bridge inspections.February 19, 2008

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