

  • Health Department tipped mining company on cancer study, documents show
    The Minnesota Department of Health has been under fire for not releasing details of cancer deaths among miners. But documents suggest the department was concerned about the impact of the findings on the mining industry.June 26, 2007
  • Miners angered by Health Department delay
    Some retired mine workers are fuming at the Minnesota Department of Health's decision to withhold information for a year, about the death of 35 miners from mesothelioma.June 21, 2007
  • Health commissioner at center of controversy over cancer data
    Iron Range lawmakers are calling for the resignation of Minnesota's health commissioner. They claim Dianne Mandernach has lost public confidence by withholding information about cancer deaths among miners. Gov. Pawlenty is standing by his embattled commissioner.June 20, 2007
  • Duluth negotiating with Petters to fill vacant airbase
    The parent company of Minnesota's Sun Country Airlines may be the new tenant for the former Northwest Airlines maintenance base in Duluth. The deal could reactivate a multimillion dollar facility that's been empty for two years.June 18, 2007
  • Wellstone's son takes sides between competing mental health bills
    In a quest to overhaul mental health insurance as "a huge legacy for my dad," the son of the late Sen. Paul Wellstone is teaming with the son of Sen. Edward Kennedy - though the elder Kennedy has a different proposal in mind.June 15, 2007
  • Duluth ponders the societal consequences of school closures
    The Duluth School Board votes next week on closing and consolidating schools. But some residents worry the plan concentrates students of color and low-income students primarily into one half of the district.June 14, 2007
  • Shakopee Mdewakanton Sioux win right to put land in trust
    The Bureau of Indian Affairs has reversed itself and said the Shakopee Mdewakanton Sioux Community can transfer 752 acres it owns into a tax-exempt trust, a decision that could cost Scott County and other local governments millions of dollars in property taxes.June 14, 2007
  • U of M ready to end reciprocity deal with Wisconsin
    The University of Minnesota is ready to end its tuition reciprocity agreement with Wisconsin starting with freshmen who enter in the fall of 2008 unless Wisconsin agrees to restructure the 40-year-old pact, school officials warned Monday.June 4, 2007
  • Pawlenty veto puts library merger in jeopardy
    Plans for a merger between the Minneapolis and Hennepin County library systems have hit a major snag. Gov. Pawlenty vetoed a funding request this week that would have paid for $4.5 million in transition costs.May 31, 2007
  • Transportation advocates disappointed by session
    The failure of lawmakers and the governor to agree on a transportation spending package before adjourning late Monday is causing lots of dismay among those folks, even anger.May 22, 2007
  • Budget falls short on health care goals
    Gov. Pawlenty says the latest version of the nearly $10 billion health and human Services bill is still too big. But, he suggested Tuesday that it might win his approval anyway.May 22, 2007
  • Pawlenty may veto tax bill
    Gov. Pawlenty says he may veto one of the major bills that lawmakers passed in the final hours of the session Monday night. The governor has his eye on the tax bill, after lawmakers included a provision he opposes. But even if he vetoes the bill, it wouldn't necessarily force a special session.May 22, 2007
  • DFL prepares budget without tax increase, less money for schools
    Gov. Pawlenty was not involved in the negotiations on the new budget bills, and Senate Republicans were concerned his absence is a recipe for more vetoes.May 16, 2007
  • Oberstar discusses trains, planes, and automobiles
    U.S. House Transportation Committee Chairman Jim Oberstar joins Midmorning to talk about the gas tax proposal in the Minnesota Legislature, airlines and commuter rail.Midmorning, May 15, 2007
  • One week left and much to do at the Capitol
    DFL leaders of both the House and Senate still have yet to agree with GOP Gov. Tim Pawlenty on budget and tax bills. MPR's Cathy Wurzer spoke with Minnesota Public Radio Capitol reporter Tom Scheck about what's next at the Capitol.May 14, 2007

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