

  • Think taxes are bad? Watch the fees
    Tax talk has captivated the Minnesota Capitol in recent weeks. House and Senate DFLers want to raise income taxes. Gov. Tim Pawlenty says he'll veto any tax increase. But there's another way Minnesotans could get hit in the wallet by state government -- fees.April 4, 2007
  • Legislative session coming down to one question: Who pays?
    Senate DFLers said on Friday they will pass $1 billion income tax increase aimed at the state's top earners to raise more money for education. House DFLers also want to raise taxes on the highest incomes. Gov. Pawlenty says he will veto any tax increase.March 30, 2007
  • House DFL plan aims to slow tuition increases
    The bill would hold tuition increases to 2 percent at MnSCU schools, and 3.5 percent at the University of Minnesota.March 27, 2007
  • Growing cities say they deserve more money from the state
    The leaders of some fast-growing rural Minnesota towns say they're being cheated out of their fair share of money from the state.March 27, 2007
  • A roadblock at the Capitol
    Democrats who control the Legislature and Gov. Tim Pawlenty appear headed for a showdown on transportation funding.March 26, 2007
  • Senate OKs gas tax hike, sets up showdown with Pawlenty
    Democrats in the Minnesota Senate have made their position clear on the need for a large state investment into roads, bridges and transit. They passed a transportation funding bill Friday that includes a 10-cent per gallon gas tax increase, setting up a showdown with Gov. Pawlenty.March 23, 2007
  • Gas tax hike headed to Senate floor
    The gas tax is part of a large road and transit construction plan that would raise license tab fees and give counties authority to levy other vehicle taxes. The Senate Taxes Committee gave the bill its final touch-ups Thursday.March 22, 2007
  • A department in crisis
    St. Paul's Fire Chief Doug Holton joins Midmorning to discuss the state of his department, in the wake of a new audit claiming it's in crisis.Midmorning, March 22, 2007
  • Audit: St. Paul Fire Department in crisis
    The audit comes in the wake of deteriorating labor management relations, and a union vote of no confidence against Chief Doug Holton.March 21, 2007
  • Senate's opening education bid undercuts governor
    The Senate DFL proposal holds schools' basic state allowance flat for the next two years, but plows a considerable amount of money into programs serving children with disabilities or special needs.March 21, 2007
  • Feds approve $15 million to finish Grand Forks dike
    The Army Corps of Engineers began work on it in 2000, three years after the Red River flood disaster that swamped Grand Forks and neighboring East Grand Forks, Minn., forcing residents to flee.March 21, 2007
  • The Met Council at 40
    The Metropolitan Council turns 40 this year, and its existence has coincided with explosive growth in the Twin Cities metro region. Met Council Chairman Peter Bell joins Midmorning to discuss that growth and the issues the region faces in the future.Midmorning, March 21, 2007
  • Twin Cities will stay separate in new shared brand
    Minneapolis and St. Paul hope to attract attention by featuring the best of both cities in marketing a single destination.March 20, 2007
  • Residents offer their ideas for property tax relief
    The tax committee in the Minnesota House took up a series of property tax measures Tuesday that came from an unusual source -- ordinary taxpayers.March 20, 2007
  • House Democrats release modest early childhood package
    Democrats in the Minnesota House have released a budget bill that would pay for early childhood education -- and it's drastically smaller than what advocates were calling for.March 20, 2007

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