

  • Legislative auditor blasts management of watersheds
    A legislative auditor's report says a Minnesota state agency is doing an inadequate job overseeing local watershed management units. In a report released Thursday, the office says the Minnesota Board of Water and Soil Resources has failed to perform key parts of its mission. The agency supervises some 240 local watershed entities.January 26, 2007
  • Judge rules MAC failed on sound-proofing commitment
    The commission that owns and operates Minneapolis-St. Paul International Airport failed to honor its commitment to provide full soundproofing to thousands of homes, according to a ruling in Hennepin County.January 26, 2007
  • Minnesota threatens to end tuition reciprocity with Wisconsin
    The reciprocity agreement between the two states has helped keep college affordable for students in both states. But the deal as it's now constituted costs the University of Minnesota millions of dollars in lost tuition.January 25, 2007
  • South Dakota Senator testifies in his own defense
    A South Dakota state senator defended himself against allegations he groped a teenage page nearly a year ago. Sen. Dan Sutton is the subject of a special state Senate inquiry into the allegations.January 25, 2007
  • The health care dilemma
    President Bush outlined two health care initiatives during his State of the Union Address. Midmorning discusses the viability of his proposals as well as health care policy at the Minnesota state level.Midmorning, January 25, 2007
  • Thomson plans 2,000-job expansion; asks for millions in tax breaks
    The Thomson Corporation released a plan on Wednesday for a $100 million expansion of facilities at its Thomson West campus in Eagan.January 24, 2007
  • Olmsted County board OKs workplace smoking ban
    Besides bars, the new ordinance also makes taxis, limos and shuttle buses smoke-free. The ban goes into effect June 1. Businesses could face criminal charges if they don't enforce the new ban.January 24, 2007
  • Duluth asks Legislature for help with health care debt
    Duluth officials say bills being heard at the Capitol are key to paying for health coverage promised retired city workers and their families.January 24, 2007
  • Bush defends Iraq plan to skeptical Congress, nation: "America must not fail"
    A politically weakened President Bush implored a skeptical Congress Tuesday night to embrace his unpopular plan to send more U.S. troops to Iraq, saying it represents the best chance in a war America must not lose.January 23, 2007
  • No tax increase, no long term solution for transportation funding
    Minnesota vehicle owners come out pretty well in Gov. Tim Pawlenty's proposed budget. As expected, he does not propose raising the gasoline tax or license tab fees. But some people worried about repairing roads and bridges, and building transit, have some issues with the governor's proposals.January 22, 2007
  • School funding bump pleases many, but not the strings attached
    Under the governor's budget, all public K-12 schools would get a 2 percent funding boost per student in each of the next two years, and Pawlenty would tie some additional spending to school performance.January 22, 2007
  • Congressmen take testimony on mental health parity bill
    Minnesota Rep. Jim Ramstad, a Republican, joined forced with Democrat Patrick Kennedy of Rhode Island Monday at a hearing to promote mental health parity in insurance coverage.January 22, 2007
  • Twin Cities mayors prepare for 2008
    Fresh back from inking the deal with the Republican Party, St. Paul and Minneapolis mayors talk about the 2008 convention.Midmorning, January 22, 2007
  • Pawlenty set to release two year budget plan
    Gov. Tim Pawlenty is set to unveil a two-year budget proposal Monday that tops $30 billion and puts his spending priorities for the 2007 session in sharper focus.January 21, 2007
  • Marchers rally for single-payer health care
    Members of the Minnesota Universal Health Care Coalition made their pitch for a single-payer system Monday as part of this year's annual Martin Luther King Day march in St. Paul.January 15, 2007

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