

  • Henn. Co. set to pass $1.7 billion budget for '09
    The spending plan includes a cut of 240 staff positions, as well as a number of human services reductions.December 16, 2008
  • City budget pinch squeezing Duluth zoo
    Duluth continues to struggle with budget problems, and now the public housing for the polar bear, primates and other critters at the city zoo may be at risk.December 15, 2008
  • Legacy of the Cheney Vice Presidency
    In "Angler: The Cheney Vice Presidency," Washington Post reporter Barton Gellman illustrates Cheney's paramount role in decisions that ranged from war and peace, to the economy, the environment, and the meaning of the law.Midday, December 15, 2008
  • Where to make the deepest cuts
    State lawmakers must decide where to cut to make up a short-term deficit of more than $426-million dollars, and funding for state departments, local governments, and higher education institutions are on the chopping block.Midday, December 15, 2008
  • Governors press Congress for fiscal relief for states
    A trio of governors came to Capitol Hill on Thursday to plead with lawmakers for relief from crushing state fiscal woes caused by a huge slump in revenues as the recession deepens.December 11, 2008
  • Beyond politics as usual
    Americans are familiar with political corruption scandals, but to many the charges leveled at Illinois governor Rod Blagojevich seem beyond the pale. Midmorning looks at how Americans view political corruption, and when politicians cross the line.Midmorning, December 11, 2008
  • The big job ahead
    Governor Tim Pawlenty and Minnesota legislative leaders face an historic budget situation. They need to agree on measures that will fix a $5.2 million shortfall for the current and coming bienniums.Midday, December 9, 2008
  • DFL leaders call for overhaul of state development agency
    DFL legislative leaders are blaming a lack of jobs, and the agency responsible for job creation, for the state's staggering projected $5.2 billion budget deficit.December 9, 2008
  • Minneapolis schools face $28 million shortfall
    The Minneapolis public school district is facing a $28 million budget shortfall in the next school year, school officials said today.December 5, 2008
  • Pawlenty: This is not going to be easy
    Governor Pawlenty and DFL legislative leaders are scheduled to have breakfast this morning to talk about the state budget. Finance officials announced yesterday that Minnesota is facing a projected $5.2 billion budget shortfall over the next 2 1/2 years.December 5, 2008
  • Some fear state might seek money meant for environment
    Of all the people keeping a worried eye on the projected state budget shortfall, environmental advocates are probably a little less worried than most. That's because of the historic vote in November for a new sales tax to boost investments in Minnesota's natural resources.December 5, 2008
  • Education could take a big hit during budget deficit
    As state lawmakers start looking at ways to plug the $5.2 billion dollar deficit announced Thursday, it's going to be tough to not consider cuts to education. About 40 percent of the state budget goes to K-12 schools and nearly 9 percent funds higher education.December 5, 2008
  • State legislators prepare to battle red ink
    Minnesota is facing a projected budget deficit of more than $5 billion over the next two and a half years. Midmorning talks with two state legislators about the options on the table to balance the budget during the next legislative session.Midmorning, December 5, 2008
  • The budget forecast calls for pain
    As state finance officials announce the size of the looming budget deficit, lawmakers are already considering deep spending cuts and tax increases.Midday, December 4, 2008
  • State officials predict 'historic' budget deficit
    Minnesota finance officials announce Thursday the size of the deficit they see looming on the state budget horizon. Recent predictions say the shortfall could surpass $4 billion, and lawmakers will need to consider deep spending cuts and tax increases.December 3, 2008

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