

  • Senate education bill cuts spending
    The Senate education committee unveiled a bill Wednesday that would reduce school spending by $972 million. But that number would be cut in half when federal stimulus money is factored in.April 1, 2009
  • House DFLers propose $200 million for public works
    Democrats in the Minnesota House have proposed a $200 million public works bill that borrows money for higher education, rail projects and flood mitigation.March 30, 2009
  • Fargo's mayor in the spotlight
    Fargo's mayor, Dennis Walaker, handles the flooding Red River the same way he deals with federal officials, swarms of reporters, and Fargo citizens -- with a stubborn determination softened by a gentle sense of humor.March 30, 2009
  • Are taxes the answer to the state deficit?
    The size of the state budget deficit and the prospect of even larger deficits without federal help is forcing state legislators to try to think of ways to find more revenue.Midmorning, March 30, 2009
  • Minn. House looks at $200M public-works bill
    The Minnesota House is looking for about $200 million worth of construction projects to start quickly and put people to work.March 29, 2009
  • Pawlenty proposes state workers take unpaid leave
    Gov. Tim Pawlenty is proposing that state employees agree to take up to 48 days of unpaid leave over the next two years as a way to save money. Union officials say the plan for forced furloughs is unacceptable.March 26, 2009
  • Medical marijuana bill clears House panel
    Legislation that would legalize marijuana for medicinal purposes has cleared another panel in the Minnesota House.March 24, 2009
  • Obama under fire over the economy
    President Obama answers questions about his plan to deal with toxic assets in a prime time news conference tonight. He's dealing with a number of fronts on this story: the anger over bonuses and the Wall Street's general desire to be free from too many restrictions.Midmorning, March 23, 2009
  • Obama administration faces large foreign policy challenges
    Former Undersecretary of State Nicholas Burns and Boston University International Relations professor Andrew Bacevich discuss key foreign policy challenges facing the United States. The coversation is moderated by Martha Raddatz, chief foreign correspondent for ABC News.Midday, March 23, 2009
  • House budget plan increases taxes, cuts spending
    Democrats in the Minnesota House have released a proposal to erase the state's projected $4.6 billion deficit with a combination of spending cuts, accounting shifts, tax increases and a big shot of one-time federal stimulus money.March 19, 2009
  • Vice President Biden holding town hall meeting in Minn.
    Vice President Joe Biden visits St. Cloud today to focus on how the federal stimulus package will help the middle class. He'll get feedback from central Minnesotans at a town hall-style meeting.March 19, 2009
  • DFLers suggest sales tax on Internet sales, music downloads
    The chair of the state Senate Taxes Committee says he's looking at a wide range of revenue options to help balance the state budget. Among them are raising income tax rates to 1990 levels, as well as taxing Internet sales and music downloads.March 18, 2009
  • Pawlenty wants Minnesota to test mileage tax
    State officials say Minnesota is working on a pilot program to test the idea of charging drivers for each mile they drive. Other states around the country are considering a vehicle mileage tax, as revenues from the gas tax are expected to decline.March 18, 2009
  • Public offers tax ideas, but are lawmakers listening?
    Minnesota Lawmakers have held hearings and set up a web site asking the public for ideas on how to solve the state's budget shortfall. One former legislator says some of those ideas are helpful, but the big decisions are usually dictated by party leaders.March 17, 2009
  • Arts supporters make their case for spending sales tax money
    The marathon session lasted until early this morning, as speakers suggested a huge number of projects for the approximately $47 million available for arts funding.March 17, 2009

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