

  • Hospitals wary of Obama's Medicare cuts
    President Barack Obama said Saturday he wants to help pay for his health care overhaul by slowing Medicare and Medicaid spending, but hospitals, medical technicians and others are resisting.June 14, 2009
  • Report: Doctors getting less money from drug companies
    The amount of money Minnesota doctors receive from pharmaceutical companies has declined since clinic groups tightened the rules.June 12, 2009
  • Pawlenty expects his budget cuts to spur layoffs
    Gov. Tim Pawlenty expects the unilateral budget cuts he will impose starting in July to cause some government workers to lose their jobs.June 10, 2009
  • Obama hits the road to promote health care reform
    President Obama will hold a town hall meeting in Green Bay, Wis., Thursday, and health care reform is expected to be on the agenda. The event is part of the administration's efforts to drum up support for the president's reform plans.Midmorning, June 9, 2009
  • Health care providers worried about Pawlenty's cuts
    After Gov. Tim Pawlenty and the legislature failed to reach an agreement, the governor pledged to use his executive power to erase a $2.7 billion budget deficit. That message, along with the cuts that have already been enacted, have some health care providers and the people who rely on them worried.June 4, 2009
  • A great harvest of food movies screening in Minneapolis
    Hundreds of people are expected tonight and tomorrow at Minneapolis screenings of a new movie called "Fresh." It's the first of a string of movies due for release this summer about food, and the debate over its place in our lives.June 2, 2009
  • Minn. public takes crack at fixing deficit
    Minnesotans are looking everywhere from liquor sales on Sunday to racetrack gambling to bring more money into the state budget. Others want to save on items as big as entire government programs and as small as printing fewer legislative directories.May 28, 2009
  • UnitedHealth suggests ways to save gov't $500B
    Minnesota-based UnitedHealth Group says the government can save big money on health care by sending patients to cheaper, more efficient doctors, reducing hospital visits by the elderly and cutting down on unnecessary care.May 27, 2009
  • Stimulus will help upgrade Red Wing lock, create jobs
    Federal stimulus money will help upgrade the lock and dam on the Mississippi River near Red Wing, creating about 500 jobs for two years, according to officials with the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers.May 26, 2009
  • Pawlenty vetoes last-minute Minn. tax bill
    Gov. Tim Pawlenty has vetoed a tax bill approved by Minnesota Democrats in the final minutes of the legislative session.May 21, 2009
  • Pawlenty to discuss budget cuts with city mayors
    Mayors from around Minnesota are scheduled to hold a news conference in St. Paul tomorrow to call on the governor to spare them when it comes to budget cuts. They say cuts in state aid will mean higher property taxes and a reduction in core services.May 21, 2009
  • MPR's News Fellows discuss health care
    A diverse group of MPR News Fellows talks about how the rising cost and decreasing access to quality health care has affected them. The News Fellows will meet several times in 2009 to analyze President Barack Obama's first year in office. The event was recorded at the UBS Forum on May 18.Midmorning, May 21, 2009
  • K-12 funding stays flat, but schools are still cutting
    Schools in Minnesota will get the same amount of state money next year as they got this year -- that's what the governor signed into law over the weekend. But even with flat funding, districts statewide have already made cuts to their own budgets.May 19, 2009
  • Minnesota Legislature: No deal
    The Legislature adjourned shortly after midnight without reaching a budget deal with Republican Gov. Tim Pawlenty, who is expected to cut state spending using unprecedented measures.May 19, 2009
  • Safety net hospitals face tough choices
    Minnesota's safety net hospitals are sifting through their options after Gov. Pawlenty eliminated public insurance coverage for up to 35,000 of the state's poorest adults in order to balance the budget.May 18, 2009

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