

  • Doctors say VA care is a model of efficiency
    Some say that the Department of Veteran Affairs medical care is actually an excellent example of how the government is leading on health care quality and cost.August 18, 2009
  • Last chance to seek Minnesota property tax refund
    There are 700,000 Minnesotans who could have state tax money coming back to them - if they ask for it.August 17, 2009
  • Public is more skeptical of health reform efforts
    People appear divided on how health care should be changed and whether the Obama administration is doing a good job on the issue. Recent polls suggest the heated town hall exchanges may have had an impact on people's perception on how Congress and the president are doing on health care.Midmorning, August 17, 2009
  • Constituents converge on Klobuchar's office to talk health care
    Groups with opposing views on health care reform converged on Sen. Amy Klobuchar's office in Minneapolis Friday morning.August 14, 2009
  • Minnesota AG sues clinic pushing credit cards on patients
    Minnesota Attorney General Lori Swanson is taking legal action against a health care clinic for pushing credit cards on patients.August 12, 2009
  • Group pushes for Mpls Park Board to be independent
    A group of Minneapolis Park Board supporters has collected enough signatures to get a proposal on the ballot this fall which would make the board an independent body.August 10, 2009
  • Help for long term care?
    Saving for care in our old age usually falls by the wayside in favor of the things we want to pay for now. A relatively little known provision in some health care bills allows people to voluntary contribute to a national fund that would pay at least $50 a day for at home nursing care for people who are disabled.Midmorning, August 10, 2009
  • Rep. Peterson opposes Obama's health care reform plan
    Minnesota U.S. Rep. Collin Peterson says he will likely vote against the health care reform proposal working its way through Congress.August 5, 2009
  • Stakes high for small businesses in health care debate
    As members of Congress head home for their August break, the debate over the impact of health care reform on small business is heating up.August 4, 2009
  • Checking the facts on health care reform
    President Obama has lost public support for his health care reform bill, while the political battle on Capitol Hill has heated up. Midmorning looks past the rhetoric to find out if the reform plan gets at the heart of what is ailing Americans about our health care system.Midmorning, August 3, 2009
  • Will reform lead to rationing?
    Opponents of the President's push for health care reform have argued that increased government involvement in the system will lead to rationing. Others say there is already rationing going on in our health care system. Midmorning looks at why rationing has become such a dirty word in the politics of health care reform.Midmorning, July 30, 2009
  • Pawlenty urges Minn. delegation to 'abandon' health reform bill
    Gov. Tim Pawlenty outlined his concerns about a health care reform bill Tuesday in a letter he sent to the state's Congressional delegation.July 28, 2009
  • Sen. Klobuchar pushing bill to fight Medicare fraud
    Minnesota Sen. Amy Klobuchar says she hopes to include legislation to prevent Medicare fraud in the health reform bill being debated in Washington.July 28, 2009
  • Women's health and reform
    American women's support for President Obama's health plan has been slipping according to a recent poll. Midmorning discusses what's missing from the reform effort to reduce disparities for women in the health care system, from coverage to treatment and research.Midmorning, July 27, 2009
  • McCollum says deal reached on Medicare concerns
    Democratic Congresswoman Betty McCollum said she has reached a resolution with House negotiators over her concerns about Medicare reimbursement inequities.July 24, 2009

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