

  • Priorities of the New Congress
    The new Congress has just begun, and already underway are confirmation hearings for President-elect Obama's cabinet picks.Midday, January 12, 2009
  • Source of salmonella outbreak still unclear
    The source of a salmonella outbreak that has struck nearly 400 people in 42 states has still not been made public. The outbreak may have killed a Minnesota woman.Midday, January 9, 2009
  • Obama to outline his plans for economic recovery
    Live coverage of President-elect Barack Obama's address on the economy. Obama will be delivering the speech at George Mason University in Fairfax, Virginia.Midmorning, January 8, 2009
  • Obama, Congress weigh options on the economy
    Economists are torn about what kind of spending or tax cuts will have meaningful results for economic recovery. Two economists evaluate Obama's economic stimulus plan and weigh the concern for record deficit spending.Midmorning, January 7, 2009
  • Feds to project $1.2 trillion deficit for 2009
    The federal budget deficit will hit an unparalleled $1.2 trillion for the 2009 budget year, according to a Capitol Hill aide briefed on new Congressional Budget office figures.January 7, 2009
  • Postage proposals begin budget balancing
    Minutes after the opening gavel, Senate Republicans proposed trimming travel and cutting their postage budgets by 56,000 dollars.January 7, 2009
  • North Dakota governor lays out plan for $1.2 billion surplus
    North Dakota Gov. John Hoeven says his state is well positioned for economic growth despite the national recession.January 7, 2009
  • A new direction for U.S. intelligence?
    President-elect Barack Obama surprised many with his choice of an outsider to head the CIA, former Clinton chief of staff Leon Panetta. While some members of Congress are skeptical of the choice, others say there have been a few successful heads of the spy agency who did not come up through the CIA ranks.January 7, 2009
  • Duluth mayor outlines budget challenges
    The 2009 State of the City address from Duluth Mayor Don Ness gives some cues about how that city will deal with its budget challenges. Duluth's budget was in tough shape even before the state announced cuts to city funding.January 6, 2009
  • Study: Fees up in Minn. while tax revenue down
    The progressive think tank Minnesota 2020 has released a new study showing that fees for state services have risen sharply, while tax revenue has fallen.January 5, 2009
  • Legislators preparing for 2009 session, massive deficit
    Minnesota lawmakers say the state's poor financial health will make their work especially challenging over the coming months.January 5, 2009
  • National panel wants higher gas taxes to fund highways
    A 50 percent increase in gasoline and diesel fuel taxes is being urged by a federal commission to finance highway construction and repair until the government devises another way for motorists to pay for using public roads.January 1, 2009
  • Cities, counties get first taste of budget cuts
    Governor Pawlenty will cut $110 million in local government aid as part of his plan to solve a $426 million dollar defecit in the current budget. The local government aid was due in cities and counties next week and now the checks will be smaller.December 19, 2008
  • Pawlenty announces short-term budget cuts
    Governor Tim Pawlenty says he will reduce state aid payments to cities and counties by $110 million to help solve a short-term budget problem. Pawlenty outlined a plan Friday to cut $271 million in state spending and empty the budget reserve of $155 million.December 19, 2008
  • The next step in market-based health care reforms
    Governor Tim Pawlenty and Minnesota business and health care leaders discuss the potential for health reforms that build on private markets and on the implementation of reforms passed during the 2008 legislative session.Midday, December 17, 2008

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