

  • Even with stimulus, schools still making budget cuts
    The federal stimulus money for education won't keep schools from making their own local budget cuts in coming weeks.February 20, 2009
  • Lawmakers move across Minn. to listen to budget concerns
    Hundreds of people attended the first town hall meetings lawmakers held across the state Thursday night to get suggestions on how to balance the state budget.February 20, 2009
  • Homebuilders, suppliers have mixed reaction to stimulus bill
    Minnesota is likely to get billions of dollars from the federal stimulus plan President Obama signed into law yesterday, but exactly how much and where the money will go in the state remains unclear. Still, some businesses say they're already seeing results from the huge federal spending plan, while others doubt they'll see any benefit at all.February 18, 2009
  • Stimulus could free up funding for alternative energy projects
    The Obama stimulus package has brightened the outlook for wind power and other forms of renewable energy in Minnesota and one of the most helpful features of the legislation may be tax credits designed to boost production.February 18, 2009
  • State senator proposes $300M bonding bill
    State lawmakers have begun work on a $300 million borrowing plan for publicly financed construction projects.February 17, 2009
  • Transportation projects top the list, but is there enough money?
    The new stimulus agreement sends $46 billion to transportation projects such as highway, bridge and mass transit construction. While Minnesota's share of that is not known, the federal funds are sure to be another factor as lawmakers figure out how much to spend on road projects.Midmorning, February 12, 2009
  • Committee approves bill banning sexual predators from Web sites
    A Minnesota House committee approved legislation today that would ban sexual predators from social networking Web sites.February 10, 2009
  • Obama's leadership and the challenges
    As a candidate, Barack Obama promised a new era of bi-partisanship in Washington. Will President Obama's experience with the stimulus package change the way he deals with Congress in the future?Midmorning, February 9, 2009
  • Minn. lawmakers probe, pan Pawlenty's budget plan
    Legislators are peeling back the layers of Gov. Tim Pawlenty's budget plan this week, and many DFLers say they don't like what they're seeing.February 3, 2009
  • Slot machines, tax exemptions among state revenue suggestions
    As the governor and state lawmakers struggle to erase a projected $4.8 billion deficit over the next two years, they're talking about a lot of things including spending cuts and one-time money and accounting shifts. But policy makers aren't saying much about how the state can raise money. It could be tax increases or other steps.February 3, 2009
  • Minneapolis officials recommend eliminating park board
    As city officials across the state explore ways to cut costs in tough economic times, several Minneapolis city council members have recommended a controversial proposal that would - among other things - eliminate the park board.January 30, 2009
  • Governor hands budget to lawmakers
    In his budget address, Governor Tim Pawlenty proposed $2.5 billion in state spending for areas such as subsidized health insurance, higher education, and aid to cities and counties. Legislative leaders join MPR's Gary Eichten to respond.Midday, January 28, 2009
  • Higher education sees big cut in Pawlenty plan
    Governor Tim Pawlenty's proposal to fix the state's $4.8 billion dollar deficit includes a big cut for higher education. Under the governor's plan, the state's colleges and universities would receive 10 percent less in state funding in the next two years.January 28, 2009
  • Legislature to begin dissecting Pawlenty's budget proposal
    Governor Pawlenty will take his budget proposal on the road today, speaking before two local chambers of commerce. Meanwhile, committees in the House and Senate will start examining the details of Pawlenty's proposal to erase the state's projected $4.8 billion deficit. The plan makes significant cuts to state programs, but it could be worse.January 28, 2009
  • Human services cuts inevitable under Pawlenty plan
    Gov. Pawlenty proposes increasing spending in human services, but demand is expected to out-pace spending.January 27, 2009

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