

  • Budget double trouble
    State government leaders are facing a budget double-whammy. Spending cuts may have to come sooner than expected because of a shortfall in the current two-year state budget, in addition to an expected multi-billion dollar deficit for the next biennium.Midday, December 3, 2008
  • Researchers excited about possible stem cell reversal
    President-Barack Obama is expected to lift the ban on the use of government funds to study new embryonic stem cell lines when he takes office.November 18, 2008
  • U of M to freeze pay of top executives
    The president of the University of Minnesota is freezing the salaries of executive level employees -- including his own -- as a cost-aving move.November 14, 2008
  • 'Dealing with the New Iranian Superpower'
    Middle East expert and former CIA operative Robert Baer discussed the facts on Iran and its potential threats at the Commonwealth Club of California.Midday, November 12, 2008
  • U of M imposes hiring 'pause'
    The University of Minnesota system has implemented a "pause" in hiring because of the economic downturn.November 11, 2008
  • Cities paying more to borrow money
    There are signs the tight municipal bond markets are loosening up, which would be good news for local governments. Public agencies from Minnesota cities to sewer districts to schools, rely on bonds to finance things like new buildings and equipment.October 30, 2008
  • Hospitals report a sudden drop in elective procedures
    There are signs that the weak economy is causing patients to delay surgeries and hospital procedures.October 29, 2008
  • Health Department says it's safe to eat more fish in Minnesota
    When the Department of Health said earlier this year that it was safe to eat more Minnesota-caught fish, the decision raised the question: Are Minnesota's lakes and rivers becoming cleaner? Nearly half of the state's waters are listed as impaired.October 27, 2008
  • Minn. Secretary of Senate to resign after 36 years
    The secretary of the Minnesota Senate is stepping down after 36 years, a term longer than most senators.October 23, 2008
  • Pawlenty pushes new school programs
    Gov. Tim Pawlenty used a conference of rural educators Thursday to renew his push for a list of proposals, including summer school for 8th graders and online classes.October 23, 2008
  • Duluth takes for sale sign off 'Minnehaha' window
    The Duluth City Council has voted 8-1 to take a "Minnehaha" stained-glass window off the market. Selling the artwork was one proposal brought forward for the city to cover its budget deficit.October 14, 2008
  • Can Minnesota afford to keep all of its roads?
    Local governments and construction companies are worried about skyrocketing road construction costs.October 14, 2008
  • Candidates taking different approaches on health care
    While it may not be the biggest national priority at the moment, the rising cost of health care is a major problem for many businesses and citizens. Both candidates have proposals to tackle the issue.October 14, 2008
  • Duluth city officials being investigated
    Two city of Duluth finance officials are on administrative leave and under investigation by the city.October 10, 2008
  • State's revenue edges up in quarter
    A new state estimate of quarterly revenue shows the state brought in slightly more money than expected.October 10, 2008

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