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7th District: Collin Peterson

A country-music playing Democrat, Collin Peterson was one of seven conservative Democrats who formed the "Blue Dog" coalition. It was a play on the phrase "Yellow-Dog Democrats," party loyalists who would vote for a yellow dog if it ran on the Democratic ticket. Some Blue Dogs say they were choked blue by their party. But Peterson has pulled back some, complaining that the coalition has become too partisan and too focused on elections.

Peterson is an avid hunter who brings to Capitol Hill an expertise in wildlife, hunting and conservationn issues. This was no more apparent than during the 2000 session, where he fought to stop interstate shipping of birds for cockfighting and promoted legislation to allow hunting of double-crested cormorants, birds Peterson claims are interfering with sport fishing. He's also a licensed private pilot and has an interest in aviation issues.

Peterson opposes a ban on handguns, instead suggesting legislation that would mandate life in prison for anyone who commits a crime with a gun. Peterson gained attention in 1998 when he proposed an amendment to the U.S. Constitution that would allow the Northwest Angle's 100 residents to vote on whether they want to secede from the United States and join Manitoba.

In 2004, Peterson faced a challenge from David Sturrock, a teacher of political science. Peterson easily won re-election by a 66-to-34-percent margin.

According to Project Vote Smart, Peterson received these scores from special interest groups in 2005: NARAL (0%), National Association of Wheat Growers (80%), Humane Society (34%), National Taxpayers Union (32%), U.S. Chamber of Commerce (70%), NAACP (57%), National Education Association (100%), Family Research Council (83%), NOW (100%), Gun Owners of America (50%), American Public Health Association (75%). According to the National Journal, Representative Peterson voted more liberal on economic, defense and foreign policy issues than 53 percent of the representatives. He voted more conservative on economic, defense and foreign policy issues than 47 percent of the representatives.

Candidate Bio

Collin Peterson
Political affiliation:
Democratic Party
June 19, 1944
Fargo, ND.
Personal: Divorced.
Three children.
Resides in Detroit Lakes.
Former accountant, 1966-90. 5th District congressman.
B.A. Moorhead State University, 1966.
Major political experience:
Elected to House of Representatives in 1990. Served in the Minnesota state Senate, 1977-83.

On the Issues

Audio Alternative energy (4/21/06)
Audio Budget and taxes (4/21/06)
Audio Conservation (4/21/06)
Audio Homeland security (4/21/06)
Audio Immigration (4/21/06)
Audio Iraq (4/21/06)
Audio Immigration (4/21/06)
Audio Social Security and Medicare (4/21/06)

Campaign Finances

Total contributions:
Total disbursements
Cash on hand
Source: Political MoneyLine
October 2006

Links & Resources

Web site:
Document petersonforcongress.com/
Campaign contributions:
Document Political Moneyline

Candidate Pages

Polls suggest the war in Iraq will be a major issue for voters in the November election. The two leading candidates in Minnesota's 2nd Congressional District are on opposite sides of the war. (07/26/2006)
Four DFL candidates for the 5th District Congressional seat discussed their views on the fighting between Israel and Lebanon in a debate Tuesday night in Minneapolis. (07/26/2006)
Four of the DFLers seeking to replace retiring 5th District Congressman Martin Sabo debated the war in Iraq, health care and poverty issues Monday. The four DFLers agreed on a number of major national issues, but tried to differentiate themselves based on their experience. (07/24/2006)
Matt Entenza, the DFL-endorsed candidate for attorney general dropped his candidacy Tuesday, setting off a flurry of last-minute filings for the September primary. Five DFL candidates are now in the running. (07/18/2006)
DFL Attorney General candidate Matt Entenza says he's horrified and embarrassed by revelations that a Chicago firm he hired dug for dirt on current DFL Attorney General Mike Hatch. He says he will apologize to Hatch, his fellow Democrat, the party's endorsed candidate for governor. (07/13/2006)
Republican Party officials are calling on two of the state's top Democrats to come clean on an apparent feud between them. (07/12/2006)
Republican Gil Gutknecht is running for re-election in Minnesota's 1st Congressional District, long considered the most conservative in the state. But Democrats say that may be changing, and predict Gutknecht will be vulnerable this time around. (07/07/2006)
The Rev. Jesse Jackson rallied support for DFLer Keith Ellison's campaign for the 5th Congressional District seat in Minneapolis Friday afternoon. (06/30/2006)
If elected, Rep. Keith Ellison would be the first African American congressman from Minnesota and the first Muslim congressman in the nation's history. But Ellison's past, in particular his relationship with the Nation of Islam, are causing some Jewish activists and others to question if he's the best candidate. (06/30/2006)
Patty Wetterling locked down the DFL endorsement in the 6th District on Saturday, setting up what promises to be a rip-roaring battle for Congress with the GOP's conservative candidate, Michele Bachmann. (05/13/2006)
Democrats in the 6th Congressional District will meet Saturday in Monticello to endorse a candidate for the U.S. House. (05/12/2006)
Patty Wetterling and Elwyn Tinklenberg both want to grab Mark Kennedy's House seat for the Democratic Party. They make their cases to the voters in Minnesota's 6th Congressional District. (Midday, 05/10/2006)
If elected, Keith Ellison would be the first African American congressman in Minnesota history. But the endorsement doesn't guarantee that he'll be DFLer on the November ballot because several Democrats say they'll run in a September primary. (05/06/2006)
Bachmann easily won the endorsement contest Saturday in Monticello and is looking ahead to the November election. Her three challengers say they are sticking to their pledge not to run in a primary. (05/06/2006)
Rep. Mark Kennedy has set his sights on the U.S. Senate, and there is a heated race underway for the Republican endorsement to take his place in Congress. (Midday, 05/03/2006)
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