
War & Conflict

  • The secretary general bids farewell
    Kofi Annan, who has served as secreatry general of the United Nations for 10 years, called for the United States to embrace multi-lateralism, human rights and fighting poverty in a farewell address Monday at the Truman Library in Independence, Mo.Midday, December 12, 2006
  • Mondale shares wisdom on Congress and Iraq
    Former Vice President Walter Mondale, Minnesota's highest-ranking elder statesman, discusses Congress, Iraq and other global concerns.Midday, December 8, 2006
  • Inside the Iraq Study Group report
    The Iraq Study Group's new report calls for an immediate diplomatic approach to solving the violence in Iraq. Midmorning looks at whether the violence already has resulted in the dividing of a society where Muslims sects used to live together.Midmorning, December 7, 2006
  • Area vets react to Iraq Study Group report
    While some politicians hope the Iraq Study Group findings will provide a blueprint to greater success in Iraq, some Minnesota veterans disagreed with several of the report's recommendations.December 6, 2006
  • The Top 79
    It's that time of year when people can't help but compile lists. The top movies of the year. The top songs of the year. The top reality shows of the year. Today the Iraq Study Group offered up its contribution: the top 79 recommendations for U.S. policy in Iraq.December 6, 2006
  • Minnesota Guard announces another death, more deployments
    Hours after the Minnesota National Guard announced the death of a third soldier in Iraq this week, it said Wednesday more 600 additional Minnesota Air National Guard members would be deployed to southwest Asia early next year.December 6, 2006
  • Ex-USAID chief reacts to Iraq Study Group report
    Brian Atwood, dean of the University of Minnesota's Humphrey Institute, analyzes the bipartisan Iraq Study Group report.Midday, December 6, 2006
  • Iraq policy "not working," says study group
    President Bush's policy in Iraq "is not working," a high-level commission said bluntly on Wednesday, prodding the administration to use diplomacy to stabilize the country and allow withdrawal of most American combat troops by early 2008.December 6, 2006
  • Soldier from Vadnais Heights severely injured in Iraq
    A Minnesota National Guard soldier lost both of his legs in the same bomb blast in Iraq that killed two of his best friends.December 5, 2006
  • Analysis of the Gates hearings
    Robert Gates, President Bush's nominee to replace outgoing Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld, faces the Senate Armed Services Committee Tuesday. Minnesota Public Radio has analysis while the committee breaks for lunch.Midday, December 5, 2006
  • Rethinking Iraq
    Cathy Wurzer talked with Michael Barnett about American involvement in IraqDecember 5, 2006
  • What about Iraq?
    As the Iraq Study Group releases its report on America's future in Iraq, a group that included academics, military personnel, veterans and concerned citizens discussed America's policy options in Iraq.December 5, 2006
  • Two Minnesota soldiers killed by same blast
    The two Minnesota National Guard soldiers who were killed in Iraq this weekend were from the same unit based in Crookston.December 4, 2006
  • What is happening in Iraq?
    President Bush is planning to announce soon a "new way forward" in Iraq, according to senior administration officials. What challenges does the U.S. face right now in stabilizing Iraq?Midday, December 4, 2006
  • Muslims seek prayer room at Twin Cities airport
    Their request follows the removal last week of a group of imams from a U.S. Airways flight in Minneapolis. The group had conducted their daily prayers in the airport terminal before boarding the plane.December 1, 2006

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