
War & Conflict

  • The Democrats and Iraq
    With President Bush planning to request an additional 20,000 troops for Iraq, the Democrats are looking at how to block a military expansion without being accused of abandoning American troops.Midmorning, January 10, 2007
  • Sen. Kennedy announces his Iraq plan
    The day before President Bush unveils his Iraq plan, Sen. Ted Kennedy, D-Mass., gives what is billed as a "major policy address on the Iraq war" at the National Press Club in Washington.Midday, January 9, 2007
  • The military options in Iraq
    President Bush announces his new strategy in Iraq Wednesday. What are America's military options nearly four years into the war?Midday, January 9, 2007
  • Is Iraq another Vietnam?
    Three seasoned war reporters discussed the similarities and differences between the Iraq War and the Vietnam War Saturday in New York City at an event organized by the New York Times.Midday, January 8, 2007
  • The complicated history of Iraq
    Rather than cover the Iraq War as an embedded reporter, journalist Anthony Shadid set out to tell the story of how the war was experienced by average Iraqis. He joins Midmorning to talk about the human toll of the war, and what the future holds for Iraq.Midmorning, January 5, 2007
  • Saddam Hussein executed
    In Baghdad's Shiite enclave of Sadr City, people danced in the streets while others fired guns in the air to celebrate the former dictator's death.December 29, 2006
  • Half a world from Somalia, Minnesotans keep an eye on home
    Minnesota is home to the largest population of Somali immigrants in the U.S. The state demographer estimates at least 25,000 Somalis live in the state. They're monitoring this week's new violence in their homeland.December 28, 2006
  • A glimpse of terrorism's effect
    A Minnesota man tells of being in Heathrow airport on the day a terror plot was foiled.December 28, 2006
  • Inside the Green Zone
    After the invasion of Iraq, the Coalition Provisional Authority was supposed to guide the reconstruction of both the Iraqi government and basic services. A former Washington Post reporter in Baghdad writes that the failure of the CPA to do so can be traced to the rarified life inside the fortified Green Zone.Midmorning, December 28, 2006
  • Minnesota Guard unit treats young Iraqi burn victims
    Medics with the Minnesota Guard's 1-125th Field Artillery Battalion stationed in Iraq helpstaff Iraq's only specialty burn center.December 21, 2006
  • Coast Guard calls off live fire training plan on Great Lakes
    The U.S. Coast Guard has suspended all live fire exercises on the Great Lakes indefinitely, in response to concerns over whether the activity poses a threat to the lakes' environment.December 18, 2006
  • The Minnesota National Guard and the war in Iraq
    There are three funerals this week for Minnesota National Guard soldiers, and 600 troops from the Minnesota Air National Guard are headed to Iraq next month. The adjutant general of the Minnesota National Guard talks about how the war is affecting the troops.Midday, December 14, 2006
  • Should the U.S. talk directly with Iran?
    The Iraq Study Group says talking with Iran is part of the solution to situation in Iraq. But Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad has hosted a Holocaust denial conference and said Israel will one day be "wiped out" just "as the Soviet Union was."Midday, December 13, 2006
  • Violence erupts in Gaza
    The shooting of three young children in the Gaza Strip is stoking fears of a wider factional conflict between supporters of Fatah and Hamas. Midmorning examines the tensions in the Palestinian Territories.Midmorning, December 13, 2006
  • North Korea by the numbers
    North Korea likes to release photos of its pristine streets and patriotic citizens. But sometimes a picture isn't worth a thousand words.December 12, 2006

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