
War & Conflict

  • War protest in Minneapolis draws thousands
    Organizers estimate that 4,000 people marched Sunday from Uptown to Loring Park in Minneapolis to protest the war in Iraq.March 18, 2007
  • Klobuchar travels to Iraq
    Sen. Amy Klobuchar, D-Minn., was in Iraq Saturday as part of a bipartisan congressional delegation.March 18, 2007
  • Reflections on the 20th century
    The John F. Kennedy Presidential Library and Museum gave National Public Radio's Daniel Schorr, New York Times columnist Anthony Lewis and historian Jill Ker Conway a daunting task at a forum Monday: Sum up the 20th century.Midday, March 14, 2007
  • The day America found out it faced an insurgency
    April 4, 2004. American troops on patrol in Baghdad's Sadr City slum came under fire from Iraqi militants -- hundreds of them. ABC's Martha Raddatz says it was a turning point in the war. She's out with a new book on the battle, the soldiers who fought in it and their families.Midday, March 14, 2007
  • "The CIA's abuse of intelligence ethics"
    Melvin Goodman, who spent 24 years at the CIA, says the agency has lost its way. In a recent speech at the University of St. Thomas, Goodman argued that intelligence analysts should be telling "truth to power," but instead he said the CIA has become politicized.Midday, March 13, 2007
  • Beyond Walter Reed
    The scandal over outpatient care at Walter Reed Army Medical Center has highlighted the difficulties faced by veterans injured in the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. Midmorning's guests say the problems have been evident for years.Midmorning, March 9, 2007
  • A surprise visit to support the troops
    Col. Neal Loidolt, chief of staff of the National Guard Infantry Division based in Rosemount, talks about the impact of the governor's recent surprise visit to bolster Minnesota's Guard members currently serving in Iraq.March 8, 2007
  • Gov. Pawlenty visits Afghanistan
    The Afghanistan trip follows the governor's trip to Iraq.March 8, 2007
  • Ministry in a war zone
    A shortage of military chaplains is adding an additional strain on members of the National Guard and their families. One chaplain who has served in Iraq discusses the support systems soldiers need for spiritual health.Midmorning, March 6, 2007
  • What if the Iraq troop buildup fails?
    As part of their new security plan, U.S. and Iraqi troops are preparing to begin sweeps in Baghdad's Shiite-dominated Sadr City area. What happens if President Bush's plan to pacify Iraq doesn't work?Midday, March 2, 2007
  • Marine from Maple Lake dies in Iraq
    A U.S. Marine from Maple Lake, Minnesota was killed Wednesday during combat in Iraq. The Defense Department says Sgt. Chad Allen, 25, was killed in Al Anbar province.March 1, 2007
  • Bachmann clarifies comments about Iran
    Minnesota Rep. Michele Bachmann has clarified the controversial comments she made recently about Iran having a plan to take over half of Iraq and turn it into a terrorist haven. She says now she meant that Iran wants a divided Iraq, but that she knows of no actual plan.March 1, 2007
  • Two Minnesota soldiers killed in Iraq
    The Defense Department says a Marine from Maple Lake, Minnesota, Sgt. Chad Allen, was killed Wednesday during combat in Iraq. He is the second Minnesotan killed in Iraq this week. Army Sgt. William Beardsley of Coon Rapids died Monday in Diwaniyah, Iraq, when a bomb exploded near his vehicle.March 1, 2007
  • "My Name is Iran"
    As an Iranian now living in the United States, Davar Ardalan has faced challenges trying to bridge the cultures of her two homelands. Ardalan has written a new book, "My Name is Iran," which traces her life in both countries.Midday, March 1, 2007
  • Liberians in Minnesota face a return to a homeland still reeling from civil war
    Thousands of Liberians have been living in Minnesota and the U.S. for years on a temporary basis.February 27, 2007

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