
War & Conflict

  • Western Wisconsin native killed in Iraq
    Sgt. 1st Class Jesse Albrecht, born in River Falls and raised in Hager City, was killed Thursday when an bomb detonated near his vehicle in Iraq.May 22, 2007
  • Refugee loses his bid to stay in Minnesota
    A man who feared for his life in his native Afghanistan fled that country and made his home in Minnesota for 17 years. But just over a month ago, the Department of Homeland Security deported him because of an old drug conviction. He claims he's innocent, and is trying to return to the U.S.May 20, 2007
  • Two Minnesotans touched by WWII; two strikingly different stories
    For Frank Ario, World War II was a scene of death and destruction. He fought through and survived the Battle of the Bulge, one of the war's major campaigns. For Rita Stallman, who joined the Signal Corps in Washington, it was an opportunity to broaden her horizons and experience life.Midday, May 18, 2007
  • MPR Poll: Don't send more troops, bring them home
    A new Minnesota Public Radio news poll shows most Minnesotans support an October 1 deadline for withdrawing U.S. troops from Iraq. Most also oppose the president's plan to send more troops to Iraq.May 13, 2007
  • People in NEED
    Minneapolis-based NEED Magazine aims to tell the stories of humanitarian organizations and the people those organizations serve around the world.May 11, 2007
  • Minnesota's Tibetan monks chant for their homeland
    Minnesota has a strong choral tradition, but starting this weekend, it will get a taste of a very different type of chorus. The Dalai Lama's tantric choir will visit from the Gyuto monastery in Dharmasala, India for a series of concerts. There's a reason they're coming here. Five of the choir members live in Minneapolis.May 11, 2007
  • Minneapolis soldier killed in Iraq
    Another Minnesota family is grieving the death of a soldier in Iraq. A 27-year-old Minneapolis man was killed by a roadside bomb earlier this week.May 8, 2007
  • Sherman Alexie takes a swipe at violence
    Author Sherman Alexie isn't shy about sharing. He's a prolific writer whose novels and short stories often describe the paradoxes of life as a Native American in the 21st century. Alexie says he's been thinking lately about violence. What resulted is a book of gritty fantasy called "Flight" which is about a young man named "Zits.'May 8, 2007
  • Guard brass expect no more extension for Minnesota brigade
    The commander of the Minnesota National Guard in Iraq says troops should be out of the country by August 1.May 7, 2007
  • Beyond the yellow ribbon
    U.S. Rep. John Kline has introduced legislation that would make the Minnesota National Guard's "Beyond the Yellow Ribbon" program a model that other states would adopt.May 4, 2007
  • An Iraqi tries to make peace in his war-torn country
    Former Minneapolis restaurateur Sami Rasouli returns to Iraq at the end of May for the fourth time since 2004 to continue work his daunting quest: helping to pacify his war-torn homeland.Midday, May 3, 2007
  • Dan Rather shares his thoughts on the news business and the Middle East
    Dan Rather, who was the face of CBS News for a quarter century, was in Minnesota recently to talk about one of the many stories he covered during his long tenure in the anchor chair: the situation in the Middle East.Midday, May 2, 2007
  • Minnesota senators split over Bush's Iraq veto
    Minnesota's two U.S. senators have very different reactions to President Bush's veto of a $124 billion Iraq war spending bill. Republican Norm Coleman supports the president's veto, while DFLer Amy Klobuchar is critical.May 2, 2007
  • Four years ago, the sign said "Mission Accomplished"
    It was May 1, 2003 when President Bush addressed the nation from the deck of the USS Abraham Lincoln and declared an end to major combat operations in Iraq. Four years later, Saddam Hussein has been found and executed, but the war continues.Midday, May 1, 2007
  • Liberians in Minnesota tell stories of abuse, torture
    Liberians take part in an effort to heal their home country's wounds from violence.May 1, 2007

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