
War & Conflict

  • Patriotism in plush
    Some people show their support for the troops with bumper stickers or American flags. Others rely on Beanie Babies.November 13, 2006
  • Terrorism and its goals
    Terrorism: It's a term that's been uttered countless times in the last five years, but what does it mean? What is a terrorist, and what are the goals of terrorism?Midday, November 13, 2006
  • America's options in Iraq
    President Bush gets recommendations Monday from members of the Iraq Study Group headed by former U.S. Rep. Lee Hamilton and former Secretary of State James Baker. What are America's options in Iraq?Midday, November 13, 2006
  • Rumsfeld speaks
    Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld, whose resignation was announced Wednesday following heavy Republican losses in the midterm elections, speaks Thursday at Kansas State University in Manhattan, Kan.Midday, November 9, 2006
  • Rumsfeld resigns
    Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld, architect of an unpopular war in Iraq, intends to resign after six stormy years at the Pentagon, President Bush announced Wednesday.November 8, 2006
  • Faith and politics in the Muslim world
    Reza Aslan, author of "No god but God," speaks Nov. 2 at the Westminster Town Hall Forum in downtown Minneapolis.Midday, November 2, 2006
  • The Border Patrol and Grand Marais
    Some people in the Grand Marais area are upset about plans to build a new office for the Border Patrol. The Patrol says it needs a new office to do its job properly. But critics say having a lot more Border Patrol officers around will threaten the quiet lifestyleNovember 2, 2006
  • Minnesota soldier killed in Iraq is buried today
    Staff Sgt. Kevin Witte was one of more than 100 members of the military who died in the war in October.November 1, 2006
  • Charting a new course
    With U.S. casualties and sectarian violence on the rise in Iraq, the Bush administration is looking at new strategies. Midmorning looks at the options for moving forward.Midmorning, November 1, 2006
  • President Bush on the Iraq war
    Live coverage of President Bush's news conference from the Washington.Midmorning, October 25, 2006
  • Minnesota soldier killed in Iraq
    A U.S. Army soldier who grew up in western Minnesota has died of injuries suffered when a bomb exploded near his vehicle during a combat patrol in Iraq.October 23, 2006
  • What does the U.S. need to do in Iraq?
    Two leading Republican senators say the U.S. may need to seek a new course in Iraq. Meanwhile, President Bush says the U.S. has no plan to pull out. What course should America take in Iraq?Midday, October 18, 2006
  • Women at war
    Midmorning examines the public perception of women in the military and what it means that news of female fatalities in Iraq no longer shocks the public.Midmorning, October 18, 2006
  • Coast Guard discusses live fire exercise plans at Duluth hearing
    While no speaker questioned whether the U.S. Coast Guard needs mounted machine guns on its Great Lakes vessels, several wondered if live-fire training on the lakes was worth the potential risks to the environment and wayward boaters.October 17, 2006
  • Back from the battlefield
    As many as 3,000 National Guard troops are scheduled to return to Minnesota next March from Iraq and Afghanistan. The Minnesota National Guard is preparing them for that transition but the guard is also telling employers that they play a major role in helping soldiers reintegrate into society.October 13, 2006

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