
War & Conflict

  • Minnesota delegation remains split on Iraq
    Members of Minnesota's congressional delegation split along party lines in their reactions to the testimony of Gen. David Petraeus about progress in Iraq.September 11, 2007
  • Next steps in the war in Iraq
    The Senate Foreign Relations Committee hearing on the Iraq war report from Gen. David Petraeus and U.S. Ambassador Ryan Crocker.Midday, September 11, 2007
  • Rep. Kline agrees with Iraq assessment
    U.S. Rep. John Kline, Republican from Minnesota's 2nd District, is a member of the House Armed Services committee, which heard from the two top U.S. leaders on Iraq Monday. Kline agrees with Gen. David Petraeus that the recent troop surge has been successful.September 11, 2007
  • Petraeus, Crocker in the spotlight
    The two top political and military leaders in Iraq face questions from two Senate commmittees Tuesday, following a day-long hearing in the House on Monday. Gen. David Petraeus reports the troop levels may be reduced to pre-surge levels next summer.Midmorning, September 11, 2007
  • House hearing on Iraq
    Gen. David Petraeus says the military objectives of the surge in U.S. troops in Iraq "are in large measure being met."Midday, September 10, 2007
  • U.S. Central Commander 'optimistic' about Iraq
    Admiral William Fallon, commander of the U.S. Central Command, says there has been "substantial change" in Iraq that gives him "significant optimism" that "this place may just work out the way we had envisioned."Midday, September 6, 2007
  • Congress hears assessments of Iraq war
    Important government, military, and independent reports assessing the security and political stability in Iraq are being presented to Congress. They are expected to generate some of the most important congressional debate in U.S. history.Midday, September 6, 2007
  • Luverne prepares for 'The War'
    Thursday is a big day in the city of Luverne, in southwest Minnesota. The town will host the world premiere of Ken Burns' new film "The War."September 6, 2007
  • Ken Burns on 'The War'
    Ken Burns' latest project, "The War," documents the lives of men and women in four towns, including Luverne, Minnesota, who carried on with everyday life while their soldiers were overseas during World War II.Midday, September 5, 2007
  • Liberians hope to stay in the U.S.
    As the U.S. Senate reconvenes in Washington this week, many Liberians in Minnesota are anxiously waiting for senators to take action on a bill that could determine whether they have to leave the country within the next 30 days.September 4, 2007
  • Coleman backs plan to bring some troops back from Iraq
    Coleman has opposed timetables for troop withdrawals in the past, but he says pulling out several thousand troops would send a message to Iraqi leaders. He just returned from a weekend visit to Iraq.September 4, 2007
  • Anarchists prepare to protest RNC
    Members of a self-described anarchist group spent Labor Day weekend outlining protest plans.September 3, 2007
  • Soldier from Moorhead killed in Iraq
    Army Staff Sergeant Andrew Nelson, 22, died Wednesday, according to his family. Nelson, who was with the 82nd Airborne Division based at Fort Bragg, N.C., was on patrol outside of Tikrit when he was killed.August 31, 2007
  • Born in war, the Sierra Leone's Refugee All Stars play music for peace
    Members of Sierra Leone's Refugee All Stars met in a camp after fleeing the brutal war in their homeland. Now the band is taking a message of peace around the United States including the Minnesota State Fair.August 30, 2007
  • Late veteran of Iraq war honored in launch of foundation
    Robert Herubin knew his friend Jonathan Schulze, after a tour of combat duty in Iraq, was on a downward spiral. Depressed, drinking heavily and suffering from post-traumatic stress disorder, nobody was able to reach the troubled Marine before he killed himself in January.August 30, 2007

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