
War & Conflict

  • The forgotten war?
    Afghanistan recently reported a huge poppy crop, one of the largest harvests ever. And that's despite U.S. pressure on Afghan president Hamid Karzai to reduce the dependence on growing poppies for opium. An authority on Afghanistan, and a friend to Karzai, says the U.S. has to offer more to turn Afghans away from a crop that's so easy to grow and so lucrative.Midmorning, October 12, 2007
  • Counselors to be posted at National Guard armories
    Minnesota National Guard soldiers returning from war will have free access to mental health counselors based at their armories.October 10, 2007
  • More than a year after peace deal, Darfur still unstable
    A rebel group that controls the town of Muhajeria in Sudan's troubled Darfur region claims the Sudanese army killed 48 people in an attack this week, a charge the army denies. Will peace talks scheduled for Oct. 27 be more successful than the deal signed last year?Midday, October 10, 2007
  • Minnesota Guard's overseas duty not over
    While Minnesota welcomed home some 2,600 National Guard members from Iraq during the summer, many more of them are still deployed overseas. We caught up with one of them in Iraq.October 10, 2007
  • Minnesota film maker explores the tragedy of Darfur
    Minnesota native Annie Sundberg's new documentary "The Devil Came on Horseback" examines the deteriorating situation in Darfur through the eyes of a former US Marine turned peace monitor.October 8, 2007
  • Poll finds bleak views of Iraq progress, confusion over next move
    Minnesotans by an almost 2-to-1 margin say in a new poll that things aren't going well for the U.S. effort to bring stability to Iraq, but there's much less agreement on whether a quick exit is the right step.October 8, 2007
  • Kline introduces bill to resolve GI Bill benefits for Minnesota soldiers
    Minnesota lawmakers say they're hopeful an Army review will lead to greater educational benefits for members of the Minnesota National Guard who served in Iraq. But just in case, Rep. John Kline introduced legislation that would resolve the problem.October 4, 2007
  • McCollum, House members grill Blackwater exec
    Blackwater's owner told a Congresisonal panel that allegations of wrongdoing are "baseless." Rep. Betty McCollum doesn't buy it.October 2, 2007
  • A Mideast Summit: Challenges to peace
    Two Mideast peace advocates, Palestinian Hanan Ashrawi and Israeli Yossi Beilin, discuss possible solutions to conflicts that divide the Middle East in a panel discussion titled A Mideast Summit: Challenges to Peace. The event was moderated by former Vice President Walter Mondale.Midday, October 1, 2007
  • People from Myanmar are saddened by events in their homeland
    People from Myanmar, also known as Burma, who live in Minnesota say they are saddened, but not surprised, by the eruption of violence in their homeland.September 28, 2007
  • A refugee camp springs up in Minneapolis
    International humanitarian organization, Medicins Sans Frontieres, or Doctors Without Borders, has set up a mock refugee camp in Loring Park in Minneapolis. Its aim is to raise awareness of the 33 million people uprooted by war.September 27, 2007
  • Audio: Iraqi refugees come knocking
    More than 4 million Iraqis have been displaced from their homes. Who's taking them in? And who isn't?September 27, 2007
  • Per Petterson rides 'Horses' to the literary forefront
    Per Petterson's book "Out Stealing Horses" catapulted the Norwegian author into the forefront of European literature.September 27, 2007
  • Minneapolis VA expands network of rural clinics
    The Minneapolis VA's goal is to place clinic offices within about 30 miles of most of the veterans it serves.September 26, 2007
  • Bush challenges U.N. to revisit its roots and advance freedom
    President Bush announced new sanctions Tuesday against the military dictatorship in Myanmar, accusing it of imposing "a 19-year reign of fear" that denies basic freedoms of speech, assembly and worship. He spoke at the United Nations.Midday, September 25, 2007

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