
War & Conflict

  • Minnesota urged to dump companies with Iran connections from portfolio
    Supporters of divestment initiatives say companies will be less likely to do business in Iran if they know that public funds will sell their stock.November 6, 2007
  • Waterboarding and torture
    Attorney General nominee Michael Mukasey refuses to express an opinion on whether the interrogation method of waterboarding is torture. Midmorning takes a closer look at waterboarding and political implications for Mukasey's approaching confirmation.Midmorning, November 6, 2007
  • Finding work after war
    Once they've survived tours in Iraq and Afghanistan, military veterans have to either reclaim jobs held for them or look for new work. Job search expert Amy Lindgren offers ideas for former soldiers in the midst of transition.Midmorning, November 5, 2007
  • PTSD on the rise
    A recent study from the Department of Veterans Affairs shows that the number of Iraq and Afghanistan vets diagnosed with post-traumatic stress disorder is rising rapidly, and some say the VA is failing to meet the mental health needs of returning soldiers.Midmorning, November 2, 2007
  • NPR's Baghdad Bureau Chief Jamie Tarabay
    NPR's Baghdad Bureau Chief Jamie Tarabay answers listener questions about the war in Iraq.Midday, November 1, 2007
  • Recounting the Holocaust by podcast
    Until now, the iPod has not been much of a gateway to history. That's changing, in part because of a Holocaust survivor in Little Canada, a criminal justice professor at St. Cloud State University, and a small group of broadcasters with the vision to use podcasts to bridge generations.October 31, 2007
  • Company buying steel mill may have ties to Iran
    Gov. Tim Pawlenty says he will move to block any state aid for a $1.6 billion dollar steel mill in Nashwauk. This comes after a press report said the company buying the steel plant is working on an oil refinery in Iran.October 27, 2007
  • New documentary examines the Darfur saga
    The subject of a new film on the genocide in Darfur talks about his work to keep the world's attention on the continuing violence in Sudan.Midmorning, October 23, 2007
  • Sorenson remembers the Cuban Missile Crisis
    Forty-five years ago, President John F. Kennedy announced that the U.S. had spotted "offensive missile sites" in Cuba capable of launching an attack on America. In a recent speech at the Kennedy Library, JFK's aide Theodore Sorenson explained how the U.S. averted a possible nuclear war with the USSR.Midday, October 22, 2007
  • Showdown with Iran?
    A new documentary gets Iranian and U.S. perspectives on the confrontation between the two countries and examines the possibility of the Bush administration taking military action against Iran.Midmorning, October 19, 2007
  • The U.S. and the U.N.
    Zalmay Khalilzad, the U.S. permanent representative to the United Nations, speaks to the National Press Club. Khalilzad is the former U.S. ambassador to Iraq and Afghanistan.Midday, October 19, 2007
  • Carleton College professor draws from his own past to teach students about Burma conflict
    At Carleton College, a visiting professor's life as a teenage political fugitive and refugee becomes a teaching tool.October 18, 2007
  • America's relationship with Turkey
    President Bush is advising Turkey not to send troops into northern Iraq to go after Kurdish rebels there. Meanwhile, it appears the U.S. House is backing off a resolution condemning the Ottoman Turks' World War I-era killing of Armenians as a "genocide." Turkey strenuously objected to the resolution.Midday, October 18, 2007
  • The mind of bin Laden
    In a recent speech in St. Paul, Duke University Islam scholar Bruce Lawrence analyzed Osama bin Laden's motives.Midday, October 16, 2007
  • How video cameras could bring societal change
    In many societies, it's taboo for women to speak out about domestic abuse, rape, and forced marriage. But the Minneapolis-based American Refugee Committee's new video project may change that.October 12, 2007

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