
War & Conflict

  • Joe Sacco goes to war to write a comic book
    Joe Sacco works as a war correspondent. He goes to a war zone, takes notes and photographs, then returns home, and creates a 250-page comic book.November 13, 2007
  • Vietnam vets remember Dale Wayrynen's sacrifice
    During the Vietnam War, five Minnesotans were awarded the Medal of Honor. One of those to receive the nation's highest military award was an Army solider from the northern part of the state.November 13, 2007
  • Marine pilots' stories collected in new book
    Two Minnesotans have collected stories written by themselves and other Marine pilots and published them in a new book, Marine Wings.November 12, 2007
  • Leo Thorsness' flight into history
    Leo Thorsness earned the Medal of Honor during the Vietnam War. The Air Force pilot received the nation's top combat award for a 1967 mission over North Vietnam.November 12, 2007
  • A first-hand account of the Pakistani conflict
    ABC News correspondent Martha Raddatz is just back from the Taliban region of Pakistan. She spoke about her experience there Sunday at a Veterans Day event at the John F. Kennedy Library in Boston.Midday, November 12, 2007
  • The crisis in Pakistan
    The political crisis in Pakistan took another turn Monday, as the government prevented former Prime Minister Benazir Bhutto from holding a procession across the country to protest the government of President Gen. Pervez Musharraf.Midday, November 12, 2007
  • Casualties from Iraq
    This year is now the deadliest for soldiers in Iraq, but the situation may have improved in recent months. But do casualty figures really tell the story of whether Iraq is becoming more stable or not?Midmorning, November 12, 2007
  • One employer eases a vet's deployment and reintegration to civilian life
    Some business go to great lengths to help employees and their families when they're called up for military service. That assistance, says one central Minnesota man, helped make his deployment and transition back to civilian life, more manageable.November 11, 2007
  • The issues facing today's military
    A longtime military correspondent and newspaper columnist discusses the challenges facing America's armed forces today.Midday, November 9, 2007
  • Unrest in Pakistan
    Pakistani President Pervez Musharraf has promised to hold parliamentary elections by February. Meanwhile, the army is arresting members of the main opposition party of Benazir Bhutto, in an attempt to thwart a planned protest rally.Midmorning, November 8, 2007
  • New hope in the Democratic Republic of Congo?
    A longtime ambassador with a number of different postings in Africa talks about how a new government may help change the violent, poverty-stricken course of the Democratic Republic of Congo.Midmorning, November 8, 2007
  • Allies at a crossroad: Turkey and the United States
    The strong alliance between the United States and Turkey dates back to the early years of the Cold War. But today, new challenges threaten this longstanding partnership.Midday, November 7, 2007
  • University student seeks help finding nieces
    A University of Minnesota student has enlisted the help of classmates to put pressure on officials in Washington to help his nieces in Sudan.November 6, 2007
  • Fair matches Iraq war vets with jobs
    Employers met face to face Tuesday with current and former members of the military who are looking for new jobs. Organizers of the veterans job fair say these soldiers possess many skills in high demand in the workplace.November 6, 2007
  • Journalist or enemy combatant?
    Congressman Keith Ellison has launched an independent investigation into Guantanamo detainee, Sami al'Haj.November 6, 2007

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