
War & Conflict

  • Annette Atkins on rooting out 'the enemy among us' in World War I
    History professor Annette Atkins speaks at the Minnesota History Forum January 18, 2014 about the Minnesota Commission of Public Safety, which was formed during World War I to protect Minnesota. But it also believed it was protecting Minnesota from immigrants that were disloyal. At that time, 25 percent of Minnesotans were German-born. Atkins presents this story within the context of its time.Minnesota Public Radio News Presents, March 12, 2014
  • Kayla Williams on the struggles veteran couples face after service
    The Iraq veteran joins us to discuss her book and some of the pressing issues facing veterans at home.The Daily Circuit, March 12, 2014
  • Edward Snowden speaks to SXSW
    The former National Security Agency contractor who has leaked large amounts of classified information about the agency's electronic surveillance programs is speaking to the South By Southwest Interactive forum.March 10, 2014
  • Three spots in a world of trouble
    From three directions, Venezuela, Syria and Ukraine create new challenges for U.S.The Daily Circuit, March 10, 2014
  • Ukraine: Crimea rejects talks with Kiev; violence reported
    The violence comes as Ukraine's interim Prime Minister Arseniy Yatsenyuk plans a visit to the United States, a trip that he announced during a cabinet meeting Sunday, reports NPR's Emily Harris. No details about that visit were made public, but it is believed to be scheduled for this week.March 9, 2014
  • Ukraine: Military standoffs and high tensions reported
    Members of pro-Russian forces and Ukraine's military have engaged in several tense standoffs in the largely autonomous region of Crimea, but they have also avoided violence in what's widely seen as a dangerous and uncertain situation. Diplomats are still working to find a possible solution.March 8, 2014
  • Funeral Monday for Marine killed in Afghanistan
    A funeral procession for Erickson is scheduled to start from Owatonna Degner Regional Airport shortly after 3 p.m. Saturday.March 7, 2014
  • Analyst compares Ukraine upheaval to 9/11
    Ian Bremmer describes the unfolding events as "seismic."The Daily Circuit, March 7, 2014
  • Wounded soldiers go from war in the desert to 'murder ball on ice'
    Sled hockey, popularized by war veterans, might be the fastest sport in the Paralympics; players strap on to a tiny sled perched a few inches off the ice, balanced on one double-runner skate. They use two short sticks like ski poles to fly across the ice. Then the sticks flip around, with a hockey blade on the tip.March 7, 2014
  • U.S. knew of 'imminent' move in Crimea, top official says
    "I think for easily seven to 10 days leading up to the Russian troops as we see them now in the Crimea, we were providing very solid reporting ... where we move from one level of a condition of warning, which I would just describe ... as sort of moderate to one where we believe things are imminent," Lt. Gen. Michael Flynn tells Morning EditionMarch 7, 2014
  • Army brigadier general pleads guilty to adultery
    Army Brig. Gen. Jeffrey A. Sinclair, 51, a former deputy commander with the 82nd Airborne Division, admitted to an extramarital affair, "inappropriate relationships" with two other women. He also pleaded guilty to possessing pornography while stationed in Afghanistan, a violation of orders in the conservative Muslim country.March 7, 2014
  • Crimea to vote to split from Ukraine, join Russia
    Crimea's parliament rammed through what amounted to a declaration of independence from Ukraine, announcing it would let the Crimean people, 60 percent of whom are ethnic Russian, decide in a March 16 referendum whether they want to become part of their gigantic neighbor to the east.March 6, 2014
  • EU slaps initial sanctions on Russia
    The European Union suspended talks with Russia on a wide-ranging economic pact and a visa agreement Thursday in response to its military incursion into Ukraine's Crimean Peninsula, threatening tougher sanctions unless Moscow swiftly defuses the crisis.March 6, 2014
  • Obama says Crimea separation vote would break law
    Speaking from the White House, Obama said any decisions on the future of Crimea, a pro-Russian area of Ukraine, must include the country's new government.March 6, 2014
  • Will protests lead to divided Ukraine?
    Although Ukraine may be closer to a split than at any time in its post-Soviet history, there are many reasons it won't come to pass, argues a Michigan State historian.The Daily Circuit, March 4, 2014

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