
War & Conflict

  • Dr. William Foege says improving global health can lead to world peace
    Speaking at the 2014 Nobel Peace Prize Forum in Minneapolis, Dr. William Foege says peace requires constant repair of things going wrong, and the gift of global health can reduce violence and create a more peaceful world.Minnesota Public Radio News Presents, May 14, 2014
  • Obama sanctions individuals in Central African Republic
    President Obama has issued an executive order authorizing sanctions against five people in the Central African Republican in connection with the country's sectarian conflict.May 13, 2014
  • Boko Haram says Video shows missing girls
    In the undated video, a crowd of girls is seen outdoors, arranged as if for a class photo. They are wearing the full-length hijab; some portions of the footage show them praying. The video was first reported by Agence France-Presse; the agency says Shekau claims some of the girls "converted to Islam."May 12, 2014
  • Minn. Oromo hold vigil for students protesting in Ethiopia
    Hassen Hussein, Oromo Community of Minnesota executive director, wants the United States to help calm the situation.May 10, 2014
  • Where are the missing Nigerian schoolgirls?
    The radical Islamist group Boko Haram has now released a video saying it seized the girls from their boarding school on April 14 in the small, remote town of Chibok in northeastern Nigeria, the region where the group has waged a violent insurgency over the past five years.May 5, 2014
  • Ukraine launches military operation against separatists
    Ukrainian forces have launched what appears to be a major operation to rout pro-Russia forces from occupied government buildings in the country's east. Two helicopters were shot down by separatists, killing the pilots, both sides report.May 2, 2014
  • John Beyrle on 'Putin's Russia: Cold War II?'
    Former US Ambassador to Russia John Beyrle speaks about the ways the United States and Russia understand--and misunderstand-- each other and says our shared history has bounced between cooperation and confrontation. Beyrle says the road ahead is unclear to Russia, and to us. He gave this wide-ranging address at the Clinton School of Public Service on April 28, 2014.Minnesota Public Radio News Presents, May 1, 2014
  • Experimental technique coaxes muscles destroyed by war to regrow
    University of Pittsburgh researchers have been working on a still-experimental technique to help patients regrow destroyed muscle tissue. Their latest results in mice and people, published this week in the journal Science Translational Medicine, suggest that the method was able to coax regrowth and functional improvement in the severely wounded muscles of three men.May 1, 2014
  • Syria gives up chemical weapons, but war rages
    Sunday is the deadline for Syrian President Bashar Assad to hand over his government's chemical weapons stockpile, and he will have surrendered the vast majority of his declared arsenal. Some call this a triumph. Others say Assad used the deal to buy time for brutal offensives in the civil war raging through the country.April 26, 2014
  • Yom HaShoa: Minnesotan who was Nazi death camp liberator and stories of two Holocaust survivors
    A Holocaust Remembrance Day special: US Army Sergeant Leonard Parker's letter to his parents after participating in the liberation of the Nazi death camp in Dachau. And, two Holocaust survivors tell their stories: Lucy Smith and Sabina Zimering. Leonard Parker died in 2011, Smith and Zimering live in Minnesota today.Minnesota Public Radio News Presents, April 25, 2014
  • U.N. reports hundreds killed in ethnic violence in South Sudan
    In a statement on Monday, UNMISS said its human rights investigators had confirmed the killings occurred April 15 and 16 after rebels of the Sudan People's Liberation Army took control of the oil hub.April 21, 2014
  • Ukraine calls an Easter truce in clash with militants
    Citing progress in diplomacy and this weekend's Easter holiday, Ukrainian officials say they've suspended an "anti-terrorist operation" that is aimed at pro-Russian forces who have occupied government buildings in eastern Ukraine.April 19, 2014
  • Somalis in Kenya are used to raids, but they say this was different
    Friday's raid, with dozens of armed police officers in the middle of the day in the predominantly Somali neighborhood of Eastleigh in Nairobi, was timed for just after people streamed out of Friday prayers. It was the latest -- and perhaps boldest -- roundup in a series of police sweeps that have caught up thousands of undocumented refugees, immigrants and Kenyan citizens of Somali descent in recent weeks.April 19, 2014
  • Ukraine says an officer died in battle with pro-Russian forces
    A Ukrainian Security Service officer has been killed and five others wounded in the eastern city of Slovyansk, officials from Ukraine's interim government said Sunday. The casualties comes after Ukraine pledged a "very tough" response to those occupying government buildings.April 13, 2014
  • Iran's culture wars: Who's winning these days?
    The "culture wars" are as old as the Islamic revolution that swept conservative clerics to power more than three decades ago. The latest chapter comes as Rouhani is negotiating a nuclear deal with six world powers. He has the backing of Iran's supreme leader, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, to continue the nuclear discussions, but cultural hardliners are stepping up the domestic pressure.April 12, 2014

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